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What you should do for PVP accounts.


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1. As soon as I hit level 14 I started Warzones

While you can do WZs in the 10-14 bracket, it really isnt worth it since you have no sprint.


2. Warzoned up to 46, spending my comms on the level 46 weapon with +25 Expertise enhancement.

Ripped out the enhancements so I had enough for all customizable armour spots.


3. At level 46, filled all my gear with expertise enhancement mods

This gave me about 5% bonus, letting me thrash everyone in the 1-49 bracket.


4. Have your 6 bags ready for when you ding 50


5. Hit level 50 and 50 valor in the same match


6. Spend 2-3 hours on Ilum after daily reset

Best and most efficient time to get valor on Ilum.


7. Spend the rest of your time doing WZs

Gathering comms and buying champ bags and doing dailies for champ bag.


8. Doing all this you can have 60 valor in a week after hitting 50


9. Open your BM bags and gear up alot faster than just opening champ bags


The moral of this is, just get to 60 valor ASAP. Gearing becomes easier for both BM and Champ. You wont have to grind for 2 gear sets, just doing the 1 rush to BM.


It must be real disheartening for the clowns who got full champ at roughly 30-40 valor and realising the grind time to 60.


Levelling to 50 via WZs is great though :-)

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Who cares... your Battlemaster gear says nothing other than you were lucky on the stupid RNG system.


Have only gotten 2 commendations so far out of 20 bags. Great system Bioware!


I am far from lucky.

I get about 1 BM com every 4 or 5 days.

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