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Bioware doing more harm than good


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It wasnt in 2 months


You're point still is invalid a 85% retention rate for a MMO is ridiculously high you spend all your time making non constructive comments even your signature is a Troll yet nothing you say has any merit or validity...it's just non-constructive hyperbole.

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uhhh..... thats normal in any mmo which releases and has a free month.... or are you knew to how things work with mmos?


We still havent gotten to the first month yet. That would be feb 20th. So if 300,000 is normal then what is 3x more than normal? great game this one is. :rolleyes:

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You're point still is invalid a 85% retention rate for a MMO is ridiculously high you spend all your time making non constructive comments even your signature is a Troll yet nothing you say has any merit or validity...it's just non-constructive hyperbole.


Shills tend to do that don't they.:tran_grin:


Especially the ones that haven't unsubbed yet claim they have haha.

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regardless of the time frame them having 1.7 mil subs after the free time expired is impressive.


Can you say that about any other mmo at launch? probably not...


You still dont see it they didnt have 1.7 million they only had 1.4 million people that played past the free month (and yes most of them payed a additional sub but some were multi month subs and timecards and people who wanted to give the game more than just the free month) Whats the difference in wasting 60 or 75 bucks when that aditional 15 gives you a chance to see if they will change.

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We still havent gotten to the first month yet. That would be feb 20th. So if 300,000 is normal then what is 3x more than normal? great game this one is. :rolleyes:


The first month for myself and thousands of others ended jan 20th-25th buddy.


The majority of sales came in decemeber due to holiday gifts and you know the actual game release.

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You still dont see it they didnt have 1.7 million they only had 1.4 million people that played past the free month (and yes most of them payed a additional sub but some were multi month subs and timecards and people who wanted to give the game more than just the free month) Whats the difference in wasting 60 or 75 bucks when that aditional 15 gives you a chance to see if they will change.


And your saying 1.4mil is bad?


Again tell me what mmo had that many subs in this time frame within the first few months of a launch..... not a single one. Why are you mad?


How is it wasting money?


People tried a new game they either liked it or they didn't whats the arguement about?


The game is still successfull and will only see growth from here on out as things are fixed and added each month.


Look at wow.... they lost many many people when they launched.... then slowly gained momentum over the years till they peaked.


This must be a hard concept for you, must be hard for you to be positive about something.

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It wasnt 300,000 in the first 2 months but the first 10 days.


So everyone knows


In the month of dec 1.7 million people purchased the game.


As of feb 1st 2 million people purchased the game


As of feb 1st 1.7 million people still had an active acount


Of that 1.7 million 300,000 had bought the game in Jan and were still in there "free month"


So as of feb 1st the most subs they could posible have is 2 million and 1.7 million had the option to quit so 300,000 people quit within 10 days.


No one could tech quit until Jan 20th because of the free month. 300,000 people quit before feb 1st thats 300,000 in the first 10 days.


Numbers are rounded off but close enough to be considered acurate.

Considering your post history, your absurd opinion that people who like the game have no right posting on its forum and the alarming level of pure BS in this post, do you really think that there are many that take you seriously at this point? 300k quit in the first 10 days, so you're saying not a single one quit after those first 10 days?


You constantly make claims without sourcing them. You claimed for the longest time that the subscription numbers released on 2 Feb were only valid for the 31st of Dec despite being given evidence to the contrary several times. At this point there is very little reason to believe anything you say.

Edited by Runeshard
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You still dont see it they didnt have 1.7 million they only had 1.4 million people that played past the free month (and yes most of them payed a additional sub but some were multi month subs and timecards and people who wanted to give the game more than just the free month) Whats the difference in wasting 60 or 75 bucks when that aditional 15 gives you a chance to see if they will change.


Your reasoning that the 300k in their free month should be discounted is ridiculous. I doubt any MMO would do that.

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300,000 players dropped in less than 2 months isn't a good sign. That's actually a decline. What makes you think this wont repeat in Asia and Australia?


Sorry are you trying to state that because 2 mil have been sold and 1.7 mil are subbed that all those 300k dont want the game. such short sighted views me sees here. who is to say all those 300k ever installed cos if you can prove that your a better man then me. You know why..... you ever heard of amazon and ebay ?



You still dont see it they didnt have 1.7 million they only had 1.4 million people that played past the free month (and yes most of them payed a additional sub but some were multi month subs and timecards and people who wanted to give the game more than just the free month) Whats the difference in wasting 60 or 75 bucks when that aditional 15 gives you a chance to see if they will change.



and all i can ask to this is, are you a banker ?

Edited by Shingara
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Dear Bioware Developers,

I love the story that you guys have created for this game. I find it nice to know the motivations for my actions, BUT I think you as developers have started going down the path of the dark side. WoW has abilities that react different with NPC's and players. You guys have decided to make it one and the same, and they are not one and the same at all. You have two types of players in this game, PvE and PvP, which means you should have different reaction to the abilities. Another fault are the stuns. They last too long against players. That should've been fixed a long time ago. I understand that you wanted to separate yourself from WoW but you should've taken the things that WoW have done right. Bracket PvP, Automated LFG instead of the absolutely useless one that is in game that not many people use. Not allowing addons is another bad mistake because you completely alienate the player base with creativity which allows you to focus on something else.

Another note, These weekly nerf patches are slowly killing the player base. You've made more nerfs in these 2 months than most MMO's. Too many changes too fast. I had a lot of hope for this game and I liked how the game played in Beta but then these changes slowly started to kill the classes with nerf, after nerf, after nerf. I play Sith Juggernaut, I enjoy this game but I'm not seeing anything beneficial. All I hear is coming soon, but what I see is daunting. At least Mass Effect is awesome. Mass Effect 1 wasn't perfect when released so I'm giving you some time to work this out, but at this rate populations are dropping and people are quitting. You guys are down by 3 right now and your in the fourth quarter with the ball in your hand. Are you going to drop the pass or make the adjustments necessary to win the game.

Hope you start making positive changes and quit with the nerf bat. Focus on end game and let the players copy their toons to the public test server. That's how your going to get your feedback on fixing endgame. Because if you don't you will be going to the free to play model before you know it.

IF you don't believe that if you alienate your player base you can still strive just take a look at DC Universe, Star Trek Online, FF XIV, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, and etc... Bioware shouldn't be in this category.


Blah, blah, blah...............wall of text crits readers for 20K damage, they all die.

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Sub counts for the first few months do not mean much.


What will be more telling is the number of subs at the 6, 9, and 12 month mark.


The first few months, the game still is new to most and has a freshness and excitement about it. Everything that you do is new and there are surprises around every corner. The story and progression are important and fresh. After the 6 month mark, almost everyone will be looking at alts and replaying the same limited linear quest lines, be more aware of game play and combat, and be more involved in end game and pvp. After 6 months we will all have given BW time to fix bugs, address game issues such as ability delay (combat issues), solve fps issues for many, etc.


I think that all will have a very good idea where swtor stands around the end of 2012, but it is to early now to form even the most tentative of conclusions.

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