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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing - the worst imbalance in PVP history, in it's current form


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None of the people who are arguing with the op actually read the post...



He's not necessarily saying that healers are overpowered, or invincible or whatever, he's saying that the infinite resources are a problem.


Yes, this is a problem, but having taken the time to read the whole thing, I still think it's incorrect. Lots of good thought and analysis, but built on an incorrect foundation...


First of all, he states over and over again that healing is "unlimited", which it clearly is not. The total healing done by all of team A cannot exceed the total damage done to team A. It is literally axiomatic that healing cannot be greater than damage, since you can't heal "past full health". If you only take 5K of damage, you can only be healed for 5K. You can't complain that "damage is limited and healing is unlimited", since that is self-contradictory.


Now it's possible that one healer on your team can heal 400K in a match, while no single DPS on either team does 400K of damage, but that brings us back to the fact that nothing in the game (PVE OR PVP) is truly designed for 1v1. It's all team based, whether it's Heal-Tank-DPS against bosses in raids, or 8v8 in a warzone. It's not somehow "unfair to DPSes" that the healer - who got fewer medals for it BTW - did 400K while you did 250K, and if you really feel that is, try respec'ing to healer for a while and see...

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Yes, this is a problem, but having taken the time to read the whole thing, I still think it's incorrect. Lots of good thought and analysis, but built on an incorrect foundation...


First of all, he states over and over again that healing is "unlimited", which it clearly is not. The total healing done by all of team A cannot exceed the total damage done to team A. It is literally axiomatic that healing cannot be greater than damage, since you can't heal "past full health". If you only take 5K of damage, you can only be healed for 5K. You can't complain that "damage is limited and healing is unlimited", since that is self-contradictory.


Now it's possible that one healer on your team can heal 400K in a match, while no single DPS on either team does 400K of damage, but that brings us back to the fact that nothing in the game (PVE OR PVP) is truly designed for 1v1. It's all team based, whether it's Heal-Tank-DPS against bosses in raids, or 8v8 in a warzone. It's not somehow "unfair to DPSes" that the healer - who got fewer medals for it BTW - did 400K while you did 250K, and if you really feel that is, try respec'ing to healer for a while and see...


This guy is absolutely correct. It can be in fact the other way around where team A will out damage team B's healing simply because there is no one on team B healing all of that damage.....

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This guy is absolutely correct. It can be in fact the other way around where team A will out damage team B's healing simply because there is no one on team B healing all of that damage.....


and actually I'm going to take this back. It isn't correct because sorcs/sages can noble sacrifice which essentially damages themselves to gain force. So the other team very well may not be doing that damage......

Edited by bellok
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Being a healer i did read the Op, but you faile to take into account 2 simple facts...to dps down a dps Would be saying while the dps has to dps us down and use interupts we must also dps you down and use cd's but also heal ourselves and others thus the required amount of exerted efford is a bit higher to win said battles. With a 6 - 8 sec CD on interupts and the fact that this is team based pvp to say a healer can fully replenish his hp is to say you and your team arn't coordinating or doing your duty as memers of a team an focusing down the healer. If you put a cap on healing allowed per life you would have to limit interupts and self sustaining cd's on other classes greatly to compensate.


Basically the TLTR version...coordinate with team members, use stuns knockbacks and interupts intelligently and well basically dont be bad.

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