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when they say DPS in tank gear . . . who do they mean?


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I've seen some (mostly in the operations/flashpoint forums),


stated bring a DPS in tank gear,


Do they mean DPS juggs?

Can Marauders where tank gear and maybe be a little tanky?


Jugg and Powertech only. Both DPS and Tank versions wear the same heavy armour, Tanks just have different secondary status and shield generator (rather than a power generator).

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Sith Jug tanks look for stuff like defense rating, absorption rating, and shield rating, while dps look for critical strike, power, and surge ratings.


Never try to use another role's (tank, dps, healer) gear if you're not spec'd for it. Just look for dps gear and you'll be good.

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Jugg and Powertech only. Both DPS and Tank versions wear the same heavy armour, Tanks just have different secondary status and shield generator (rather than a power generator).


On the contrary... They could mean any of the three tank classes: Jugg, PT, and Sin. Also... they do NOT wear the same heavy armor. There are tank sets and there are dps sets which have very different stats. I tank for my guild so I have a tank set and ~20k hp in that gear, I also have a dps set and have ~17k hp but a lot more dmg, crit, etc. The sets differ greatly.


What they're asking for, I would imagine, when they say a "dps in tank gear" is they want someone who is dps spec but wearing tank gear, perhaps to OT and dps as needed?

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What they're asking for, I would imagine, when they say a "dps in tank gear" is they want someone who is dps spec but wearing tank gear, perhaps to OT and dps as needed?


that's usually the scenario. they want someone who is specced for damage, but has either a tank set of gear, or has one switchable for certain scenarios.


Usually either for Off-tanking, or in situations where a full tank isn't needed all of the time, so the extra DPS helps speed things up.


and I agree, any of the 3 tank classes will work. especially in this game, where a simple switch of stance/cell/form gives them plenty of extra threat and mitigation. A DPS class, like a sith Sorcerer as an example, could "wear" the tank gear of an assassin spec, but they wouldn't have the ability to switch over to a tanking presence for the extra tanking benefits. so a tank class is still optimum choice.


Sad part of this scenario is when dual spec hits, pure DPS classes are going to go by the wayside due to DPS spec balancing. because they CANT dps/tank like one of the above classes can. or DPS/heal. remember a blog from ghostcrawler just a short while ago where WoW is struggling with that exact same issue. One of the bad sides to dual specs.


and I apologize if that derails the thread...was running off on a tangent again...

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I have both a full set of Jugg tanking and dps gear and while I am currently DPS spec'd I have had no issue in when needed swapping to my tanking set and solo tanking bosses like SoA and taking either Jarg and Sorno if required.


As a guild we take 1 jugg tank and another dps Jugg as the off tank (I am spec'd rage and the other dps jug is vengeance) when raiding and there has never been an occasion when switching into Soresu or also changing gear has not been a viable solution when a 2nd tank is needed.


Infact the MT jugg often tanks SoA in DPS gear just because he can. Obviously this is taxing on the healers but its never stopped us in both NM and HM.


This however in 8 man raids, in 16 man we always roll with 2 proper tank spec'd Juggs.

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Thanks for the info.


yes my question revolves around those operations where I keep

hearing people say that "some" bosses doesn't req. a 2nd tank.

So the 2nd tank can just dps,


but I'm not sure for that off tank which is better?

1) a DPS spec wearing Tank gear


2) a Tank wearing DSP gear (switching stances, etc.)

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