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What I've learned as a Deception Assassin


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I started playing Deception from my first point in the skill tree, at one point in time I switched to a Madness spec just to see what it was like, but switched back after a few days. Some of the things I've learned along the way that I can pass to people who want to play it but aren't sure what it's going to be like.


1. Between the levels of 30 and 40 Deception is pretty difficult. The real burst damage just isn't there with Thrash like you'd expect, and even though Maul hits pretty hard, because of the proc requirement, you have to micro manage your force (resolve) waiting for that proc and make sure you're in position.


2. IMHO the radius of Maul is HUGE and is not as bad as a lot of people seem to claim. I very rarely don't hit with it and I personally haven't been having issues with lag, so that's probably the reason why. In other words, if you have a subpar system, don't bother pre 40 with this spec.


3. Voltaic Slash is a game changer. My damage output has almost doubled since I was able to put this into my rotation. This is why I say pre 40 that Deception spec is a real challenge. Once you get VS, it seems to get a lot easier (pre level 50).


Sidenote: I'm still convinced that the range of VS is more than 4m. To me it just feels like I'm able to hit targets further away than I was with Thrash.


4. VS -> VS -> Shock (you'll be mumbling this to yourself in your sleep)


5. Force Shroud -> Blackout -> Mind Trap will save your bacon a lot and sometimes will turn the tide of a fight in your favor.


6. I personally have run out of room on both my middle bars with abilities that I use frequently (I've never played a class where I use this many abilities on a regular in PvP). I'd suggest getting a Razer Naga, it will make your MMO experience a LOT easier.


7. I was under the assumption that Assassins were burst damage out of stealth. What I've learned is that we're burst damage, but you need to build up to it, it's not a very long process, but to really get the best bang for your buck, you need a 5 stack of Static Charge, a 2 stack of Induction and an Exploit Weakness proc. Once all the stars are aligned and you begin your final rotation, the damage is absolutely insane (again, pre 50).


8. Don't expect to get the most medals in WZ's. You'll be up there damage wise, but due to your lack of AOE and healing (pre frozen shockwater), you won't get the kills that the other specs will.


9. Pick your fights carefully! Even in a two on one fight, I've found I'm able to come out on top as long as I take the time to think out the fight before I start (when time permits). Plan out your CC rotation, which guy you plan on attacking first. If it's possible to lock one down while fighting the other in straight melee. Although we don't have as great an ability to kite like the other specs, we do have the tools to quickly vanish. A lot of people just look at that as a way to escape, I look at it as a way to get my GCD's on my CC to come back up and have easily won fights when I was down to less than a quarter of my health (most targets don't expect you to reappear hitting them after you vanish).


10. Deception is very gear dependent, moreso than the other spec's IMHO. Keep your gear updated and it will help immensely.


I'm sure there's a ton of other stuff, but this was off the top of my head. I'm currently sitting at level 43 (couple bulbs from 44) so I really can't speak about how we perform at level 50 (I've heard both good and bad). Unfortunately, the toughest time you'll have in PvP is of course in the WZ that you'll spend the most time in, but use the terrain to your advantage. There's a lot of places you can hide and seethe to get back to full health if the power ups aren't available and your GCD is down for medpaks.


Please, if anyone has any other advice that they can throw my way post my level up to level 50, feel free to share it with me. I'm really not interested in switching specs, not matter how much you feel I'm gimping myself, but any Deception pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Brat
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8. Don't expect to get the most medals in WZ's. You'll be up there damage wise, but due to your lack of AOE and healing (pre frozen shockwater), you won't get the kills that the other specs will.


True, but you get Demolisher and Assassin medals more often. :D

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From my experience, the idea is that you need to put the emphasis on critical rating so that abilities such as Discharge, Shock and Maul which benefit from added critical damage from your talent tree crit regularly. Surge is also an important aspect of your gear since you're glass canon meaning you basically need to hit harder in order to kill your opponent before he does. :p
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5. Force Shroud -> Blackout -> Mind Trap will save your bacon a lot and sometimes will turn the tide of a fight in your favor.


How would Force Shroud help? Unless you mean Force Cloak? But then why do you need Blackout, most players will just smack you out with AoE or Stealth Scan, against which Blackout does nothing. Unless you mean PvE. But PvE in this game is so easy a blind nutless monkey can hit 50 in under 4 days /played.

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