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Marauder VS Assassin PVP


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I started with an Assassin, got him to 26 then started working on my Marauder. Got him to 50, just started PVPing. I'm not liking how gear dependent it is and I'm considering leveling my assassin up to 50. Anyone played either of these classes? Which do you prefer in PVP?
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I started with an Assassin, got him to 26 then started working on my Marauder. Got him to 50, just started PVPing. I'm not liking how gear dependent it is and I'm considering leveling my assassin up to 50. Anyone played either of these classes? Which do you prefer in PVP?


SIN is hella gear dependent imho lol. Marauders played correctly does dps out the bleeep for me I like the SIN play style stealth pick ur battles are the only benefits.

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I started with an Assassin, got him to 26 then started working on my Marauder. Got him to 50, just started PVPing. I'm not liking how gear dependent it is and I'm considering leveling my assassin up to 50. Anyone played either of these classes? Which do you prefer in PVP?


Assassin and Marauder are heavily gear dependent. They're also two of the hardest classes to play well.


Everybody is heavily gear dependent in the 50 bracket - welcome to Expertise. You'll have a bit of a harder time as a Marauder at first because you will lack the variety of ways an Assassin can change the tempo of the fight (not escape, necessarily, but re-position and re-engage - hit and run and hit and run and hit). You have to be very aware of what fights you pick and who is around you when you jump in. Do your dailies and start building up purple mods and Cent gear (but that's true for everyone). I often duo with a friend who plays a Marauder (Anni spec) and he had trouble at first but after doing a bit of research and PvP vid watching he has a blast.


Good luck!

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To quote a friend of mine, "the better class is the one you don't suck at."


To say it a little more nicely, everyone is gear dependant, but its an extra climb for melee in general. So both classes will need to gear up before you shine.

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Marauder/Sentinel are very good. Equally geared and skilled I wouldn't expect to beat them 1on1 with my Assassin unless they make a mistake.


So far having serious issues with them blanking the hell out of me lol man a full BM makes my HP disappear so fast it's not funny as full deception in my mostly champ gear its pretty much a loss atm lol. After running across a few last night I feel I could star in his next video getting rolled in about 10 sec lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Nice but the sent video is way better bro lets see some 3 vs 1 action where you walk away or the tracer missile fail commentary lol.


meh, killing equally geared sent is better that 3 undergeared randoms :cool:

but his commentary is just superb :D

Edited by Scrilian
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Marauders are brutally strong in a battlefield where they've an advantage. In particular they're almost unbeatable in flat, but relatively confined area (i.e. first level of Huttball terrain). If you're against a good Marauder you'll rarely see them fighting in vulnerable terrain, which is either completely open flat terrain (easily kited), or high elevation area (KB neutralizes them easily).
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All class must have the gear maybe some a little more then other but 10-12% more atk Def and healing is alot to any class.


The dot damage is insane if shroud is down your hp just evaporates so quickly. And if up they just seem to reapply them lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Sin, especially darkness, is the hard counter against marauders.


Force Shroud to remove DoTs. Save your vanish for when they pop undying rage.


The problem here is that this assumes you're only concerned with defeating the Marauder. Force Shroud is not particularly strong against Marauders but is incredibly strong against some other classes. If you use Shroud to cleanse maybe you die to Tracer Missiles immediately after. Fights don't have in a vacuum unless it's a duel. It's like saying you should use Saber Ward against an Arsenal Merc for some minmal increase in survivality, which is of course true but then you might not have a Saber Ward against the Marauder you run into 20 seconds later.


Marauder is really a bad matchup issue since our normally best CD, Force Shroud, is of marginal value against them, so you might be inclined to save it for someone else, or already used it against someone else. Marauders, on the other hand, have CDs that pretty much work on every type of damage, so they'll just use every one of them like clockwork.

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Marauders have so many cool downs they can blow I see no reason why a sin should beat them.


Marauders greatest fear are powertechs and concealment sins. They MUST time CDs just right to not get owned by the volt+shock+dischrg rotation. If they make a mistake and eat more than 2 rotations its over for them.


But the thing about Mara, is you think they died and then they kill you!


Its all about CD management, the one who manages CDs better wins.

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Marauders greatest fear are powertechs and concealment sins. They MUST time CDs just right to not get owned by the volt+shock+dischrg rotation. If they make a mistake and eat more than 2 rotations its over for them.


But the thing about Mara, is you think they died and then they kill you!


Its all about CD management, the one who manages CDs better wins.


So far finding them some of the hardest to face one on one by far other classes not so much my HP just goes proof. They have both hella burst and dots from Heck. On the guys I have trouble with seems my damage just blows chunks on em guess I hope full BM lol. Seems them and certain smugglers still are my biggest pain in the arse lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Sin, especially darkness, is the hard counter against marauders.


Force Shroud to remove DoTs. Save your vanish for when they pop undying rage.


Agreed - was reading through this thread wondering why all these assassins are saying marauders will win. I guess all the assassins that stated that are deception or madness specced, because as my 23/1/17 darkness hybrid spec with DPS gear and a shield, I've never even come close to losing a 1v1 against a marauder/sentinel - they get chewed up and spit out as most of their damage is like having pennies thrown at me.

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