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Thx for the godmode


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That's it for me, I'm uninstalling, deleting my account and setting my computer on fire.


lol! don't forget to rant all over the forums about how bad BW is before you set the computer on fire.


(seriously, op, let the devs balance the game. in time it'll be excellent. :) - in the meantime, just hope for a good pvp team once and awhile)

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I don't think this affects PVP as much as PVE, but the HPS and DPS loss is pretty much the different between not hitting enrages before and hitting them now...or healing through something before and wiping now....


The only way to balance PVP and PVE in the same game, is to have two totally different sets of rules that go into effect based on what part you are doing.


At this time is the game at a difficulty level where the margin of error is so small that this will consistently cause a wipe where it didn't before? Be honest. Because so far all I've heard is how easy and faceroll all the content is. Now PvE is unplayable and we can't possibly adapt and overcome this change to surge?

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