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Why is Armourmech useless


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Armormech is just fine in it's current state. You need to reengineer. Leveling I had better stuff than orange with good mods. I kept some orange gear and filled in the rest with crafted purples. Plus you can make gear for your conpanions.


I sell 49 and 50 gear blue and purple non-stop. I have yet to not sell something I put on the GTN.


So I can make money, make gear for alts/companions, Make some really nice tradeable purples with recipes I got off of raid mobs that are columi in quality. I'm so glad I didn't drop the skill for fotm biochem (although my alt is a biochem). Oh, and I get to make myself rakata bracers and belt with a chance of an augment slot.


Just not seeing a problem here. I just wish we could make repair kits, that would make me really happy.

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just for self-gearing, I can easily RE to a purple piece of armor close to my level, make it exceptional, and slot in an augment with ease. This creates a piece of armor cheaper than the vendors, better than even the best orange slotted item, and usually much closer to my particular level range.


Then you have *far* better luck REing stuff than most other people. When taking into account the cost of REing the purple schematic and getting the purple mats, my cost for purple armor (synthweaver) is easily far more than buying vendor gear.


I will agree on it being far superior to all the other options though, especially for a tank.

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My vanguard is lvl 35 atm and I have levelled him completely in armor he made for himself. I keep a close watch on my armor, being a tank and all and so far everything I can make (blue, purple, and even some greens) has been better than the quest rewards I was receiving. To top it all off, I have not only kept my armor better then average for my level, I have also kept two companions fully armored just as nicely and the cost to me has only been the cost of raising my UWT skill. (and the cost of the recipes from the trainer)


Basic compounds from scavenging are easy to get and with just items I scavenge from the world I have a complete set of blue armor for each tier from lvl 10. I have purchased no materials on the GTN. It's simple to get a blue recipe from RE'ing on average 4 green items and with the componentes returned from the RE It really only costs me on average materials to make two. I have even gotten saucy and RE"d several blues when I had an abundance of blue materials and gottem some really nice purples out of it. Which I can then usually make a few of with just purples materials I received from UWT missions. (Purple items actually do sell well on the GTN and I have made a nice profit from doing just that)


With my armor fully up to date, even above the average of other troopers I come across my level, I am able to keep my and my compansions, orange moddable weapons fully up to date with my commendations I choose over the armor rewards from quests. This has been much easier and cheaper then keeping the same set of orange armor for all 35 levels and keeping it up to date every 2-3 levels with new armoring, and the armor has a higher armor value then the moddable items with even level armor mods in it. (did I mention my alt is a 400 cybertech and it's still easier to go with self made armor then constantly updating every piece of armor every couple levels with new mods I can make myself)


Also, I get the joy of changing my look every 10 levels or so with the next tier of self made armor, so that's just icing on the cake.


I cannot speak for end game armormech yet, but I'm sure it will lose it's value once I start earning the PvP sets and items from HM FP's, but for the time being, I plan to keep making my own armor all until that point. I'm enjoying armormech and it has made levelling my trooper so much more entertaining, always having a new peice of armor to level toward.

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I love my critted Rakata bracers and belt, and so does the companion that wears a set too. I also like the 10's of millions of made with it. Sure, I spend creds like water and I constantly run slcing missions (thank god for that slicing alt), but to ME it's worth it.


Armormech is very useful. If you dont understand how it works, just dont do it. Leave it to the people who understand it. It takes a) thinking b) a little work. That's all.

Edited by Madicen
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I"m still reading a lot of people saying "it's good because you can make credits with it".


What does that have to do with anything?


You can also make credits hand-over-fist by going with three gathering/mission skills. With all those credits, you can gear up yourself and your companions on the GTN quite easily. You could go with zero crew skills and level quite comfortably on nothing but commendations, drops, and quest rewards.


Why, then, is it a point people fall back on over and over when talking about how good a crafting skill is? I could understand it if the question was "can I turn a profit with X crafting skill", but it's not.


"I can turn a profit with it" and "I can keep myself geared up while I level" aren't really accomplishments. Both things can be done quite easily in SWTOR, regardless of the route you take. I think people want to know what makes a particular crew skill different or unique in these kinds of threads, not what makes it just like everything else.

Edited by pokota
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Sorry but you are all wrong.


By handing in commendation tokens which are very easy to get I am able to purchase gear that is MUCH better than blue gear once I add the mods which are readily available on the ah and very cheap. You can also buy better gear from vendors for cash.


As mentioned above, for 5 slots that's 55 commendations on each planet, if you're gearing up every planet to keep up. That takes a LOT of time, to gather that many. Also, you can't buy purple mods (at least, on the lower level planets, up to Tattooine for Republic side) for commendations. That's not even mentioning that if you're doing all the quests you come by, you FAR outlevel the gear on the planet, but you can continue to craft up through whatever you can gather/buy materials to make.


As for the mods on the AH - where do you think they come from? If armormech is so useless, that is...

Oh yeah, it comes from other people doing armormech and selling the mods.


Personally, I've loaded up on as much moddable gear as possible, and craft my own mods. I keep a purple armor mod loaded, watch for when I can equip a green that's equal to it, and work toward that purple mod ASAP. It's kept me going with very few issues so far, and my armor is always far better than what I can pick up for commendations, as is my companions' (in the slots they have moddable gear, anyway). My commendations go to filling the rest of their gear slots, and weapon mods.

Edited by Sezyrrith
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Sorry but you are all wrong.


By handing in commendation tokens which are very easy to get I am able to purchase gear that is MUCH better than blue gear once I add the mods which are readily available on the ah and very cheap. You can also buy better gear from vendors for cash.


In wow blacksmithing was a great profession far better than the quest gear that you picked up. I never said dungeon gear, someone else said that, they need to read my op again instead of making stuff up that I never said.


Allowing everyone to buy better gear from a vendor than can be crafted is a joke, it never happened in wow simply because Blizzard knew how to implement crafting into an MMO.


you are misremembering how it worked levelling up in wow



at no point were you ever able to craft anything that was your level as a blacksmith. anything your level required mats that were farmed from areas a good 10+ levels higher than you were.

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As mentioned above, for 5 slots that's 55 commendations on each planet, if you're gearing up every planet to keep up. That takes a LOT of time, to gather that many. Also, you can't buy purple mods (at least, on the lower level planets, up to Tattooine for Republic side) for commendations. That's not even mentioning that if you're doing all the quests you come by, you FAR outlevel the gear on the planet, but you can continue to craft up through whatever you can gather/buy materials to make.


As for the mods on the AH - where do you think they come from? If armormech is so useless, that is...

Oh yeah, it comes from other people doing armormech and selling the mods.


Personally, I've loaded up on as much moddable gear as possible, and craft my own mods. I keep a purple armor mod loaded, watch for when I can equip a green that's equal to it, and work toward that purple mod ASAP. It's kept me going with very few issues so far, and my armor is always far better than what I can pick up for commendations, as is my companions' (in the slots they have moddable gear, anyway). My commendations go to filling the rest of their gear slots, and weapon mods.


mods and armoring come from cybertech, enhancements from artificing



armormech is good however if you plan to raid at all and can get the patterns. crit crafted rakata belts/bracers are bind on pickup and with an augment slot, they are best in slot


in march when they allow us to rip everything including armoring out of level 50 pvp and pve gear and put it in whatever we want, crit crafted orange moddable gear will become best in slot and now armormech can finally crit on that stuff.

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Oh dear - you had to go and ruin a somewhat valid argument by going into "jerk mode".


To answer your question *****dalf, there are new recipes that give back some validity to the crew skills that have the roughest time being worthwhile once you hit 50.



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mods and armoring come from cybertech, enhancements from artificing



armormech is good however if you plan to raid at all and can get the patterns. crit crafted rakata belts/bracers are bind on pickup and with an augment slot, they are best in slot


in march when they allow us to rip everything including armoring out of level 50 pvp and pve gear and put it in whatever we want, crit crafted orange moddable gear will become best in slot and now armormech can finally crit on that stuff.


Ha, whoops. Yeah, I'd imagine it's because I've kept all my crafts up to level except biochem, which I just made an alt specifically to run, so they tend to blend together a lot.


Armormech does have the ability to craft orange gear, though, such as my Smuggler's hat (Gunslinger's Headgear, I believe is what they're called) and jacket, as you're leveling. Also tends to share minerals with Cybertechs, probably didn't help my situation of getting the two confused...


However, keeping companions geared up is very important - armormechs are good for that. Aside from T7 and Kira, Republic sees mostly aim/endurance companions, early on at least, and having good gear makes or breaks a companion fast.

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