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Immunity timers: would fix most balance issues


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Instead of wholesale class nerfs (which I don't favor) why not instead introduce something that will on it's own fix the overpowered crowd control (CC) (roots, snares, knockdowns, stuns) and the overpowered DOTs.


Immunity timers.


Currently, there are counters to CC and DOTs, in the form of the root breaker that everyone has (2 min cooldown on the toons I have) and in certain classes ability to heal DOTs.


The problem is, in practice, especially somewhere like Ilum, is that it is difficult to target an individual in the case of the DOT heal, and in warzones the DOT just gets re-applied a second later if you clear it. In the case of CC, same deal, you use your breaker only to take two steps and get rooted AGAIN.


The solution to the problem is there needs to be a period of immunity after breaking/clearing, or the CC or DOT ending of at least 5-10 seconds. I think 5 seconds if the DOT or CC expires on it's own, 10 seconds if it's cleared by a healer or a root break ability.


Before the CC and DOT heavy classes start whining (which I know is incoming) think on this for a second: Is being rooted in place, constantly forced to bleed, or being knocked down on the ground all the time fun gameplay? What if it's YOUR character that is always in that spot in warzones or Ilum? Answer honestly.

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Doesn't resolve do this if used correctly?


Although the flaw in resolve may be the different classes of CC tech/force/knockdown/snare/etc/etc can be chained rather than it applying a blanket immunity like you suggest.


A tweak to Resolve by BW and your suggestion is implemented I guess.


But I may be wrong and I'm sure the flamers will let me know :)

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Doesn't resolve do this if used correctly?


Although the flaw in resolve may be the different classes of CC tech/force/knockdown/snare/etc/etc can be chained rather than it applying a blanket immunity like you suggest.


A tweak to Resolve by BW and your suggestion is implemented I guess.


But I may be wrong and I'm sure the flamers will let me know :)


Resolve does not work.


It also doesn't affect roots at all. Every class that has a snare also has a root. Sometimes more than one root. Granted, giving immunity to CC and DOT via resolve is also a possible fix.

Edited by Wildcat
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