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Surge nerf > holy ****


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After nerf, went from 81.84% surge to 72%.


That is one HELL of a nerf and considerably worse than I had thought.


Great patch, awsome patch.


BW has officially made heal Ops totally worthless.


Thanks BW, can I have another nerf please?


If you are talking about Operative healers, it made things worse but not worthless. I still managed to solo Lord Raxxus, [Heroic 4] Old Enemies last night but it was more exciting. Guess I finally need to start greed rolling on all the damn BH tank drops so Kaliyo can get out of green gear.


The combo with Alacrity really is a waste of points, because Alacrity in this game is useless.


Except maybe (maybe) for healers


Some people claim it isn't, but it really is.


No, Alacrity is a complete waste--a junk stat even for healers. 1.) The DR on it is too severe for it to be worth stacking. 2.) Stacking Alacrity usually means the healer is losing something more valuable.

Edited by Brightglade
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It's called balance, people. They don't want everybody stacking one thing, you should be building balanced characters! Don't just stack one thing like a retarded monkey, recognize that crit, surge, accuracy, power... they ALL have value, and trying to get a single one higher is generally going to have an opportunity cost in the others. Stop QQing and L2P - I swear, the little bit of thinking required to figure this out won't hurt you too much.


Players stack surge because all the gear available to us stacks surge.


We can choose between



We're stuck with surge either way.


In addition, surge is always the primary stat. We don't have a choice between high crit with some surge or high surge with some crit.

We can choose high surge with some crit: http://www.torhead.com/item/35Kx22D/advanced-assault-enhancement-22

or high surge with some crit: http://www.torhead.com/item/aif9Yj2/advanced-battle-enhancement-22


So surge was nerfed, and I am now way over the effective soft cap. But I will not be changing any of my gear because there is nothing to change to.


If BW doesn't want players stacking surge, they need to tell their itemization department.

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