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Fix Juggs


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Hey guys i posted this in another thread but that thread seems to be dead and gone, what do you all think about these?



So having played both a jugg and Mara to 50 and geared them out I can say that the jugg is a decent ways behind in damage, more so then the devs first said. Not to say they are bad though. So let's start with what changes I think could fix the class.



1. Immortal tanks need atleast one more big threat generator, I say put it on a heavy cd or incorporate with a skill they already have.


2. Vengeance dots are definitely sub-par in damage comparitive and overall. Maybe have the dots not deal more damage but add a buff like 5% increased damage over all for each bleed. It wouldn't allow for a constant 15% damage thanks to CDs but it would give us a boost or you could even make dots give your next forcescream like 25% More damage on use.


3. With vengeance you could make shatters direct damage hit a little harder, the dot is fine since it's almost inmitigatable but Thr direct physical damage could use a boost.


4. And lastly we could use a small survivability boost in the form of a heal. I was thinking along the lines for say a x% of health regained over so many seconds or "for x seconds you regain health from a % of damage recieved during this time to a maximum of z% of your maximum health." the latter would actually be balanced like the Marauders undying rage, all you have to do is cc them and it negates any healing in a 1v1 scenario and with the cap it doesn't make it overpowered in a 5v1 either.


I know people are going to ask about rage but in my opinion rage is fine with damage output, between force crush which gives me 4 seconds to do whatever I want, obliterate to help close a gap, I think they do extremely well in any area.


Also, i just threw percentages in there they are hard numbers I did alot of math on to balance.


1. We've enough skills atm, integrate it with the 31 immortal talent imo.


2. Vengeance dots need a revamp imo, they're horrible tbh.


3. Agreed.


4. Let us keep some of the extra HP we get by the 30% hp boost. Keeping it all would've been a bit much perhaps, but how about 15% ?



- Make armor count for something. Everyone and their aunts have at least 35% armor penetration. Kinda makes our heavy armor, that doesnt even mitigate all types of damage, kinda moot.


- Revamp all 3 trees. Immortal could use some tweaks (+ % end talent, and tweak the god awful 4% shield chance talent).


Sigh, can dream i guess.

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