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Yellow screen doesn't let me play.


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This sounds like the problem I was having on my laptop. For your sake, I hope it's not the same issue, but for me, my graphics card didn't have the minimum specs required to run SWTOR. (mine was an Intel integrated graphics with 125 DEDICATED graphics). try left clicking (hold) and moving the camera for me I found this resulted in seeing more, but polygon atifacts and such. In the end, I had to use a different computer with a different graphics card. If you run dxdiag (search this in the start menu) and save the files, you'll be able to see your video card settings.
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I can't see anything when i play the game, all i see is a yellow screen, i see mini map and tool bars and i can move, i see myself moving on the mini map..but i can't see anything its just all yellow.


Definitely sounds like a PC issue. First off, are you on a laptop or desktop? Second, what graphics card (integrated or otherwise) are you using? Third, have you updated your drivers recently/ever?

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