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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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I am looking for an active guild, on an active server.


at this point I dont care if its rp, pve, pvp, west coast, europian, anything.


I want a decent sized guild (25ish people? not much to ask I think) who play regularly, ACTUALLY talk to each other, tell jokes, group, share crewskill materials (i would give way more than receive, I can tell you that.)


I would play any spec, any class, conform to any funny guild rules, use teamspeak (ewww) or mumble, or any other weird voice chat.


I just want to be able to enjoy this game like I know I could with a group of friends but cant because I have yet to acquire said group on this game.


I would prefer pvp east coast but again I will do absolutely anything to join a solid group of SOCIAL people who like to group and play together and not just share a guild tag.

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from what I can tell, 25 people is a small guild. And with such small numbers you'd definately want to find a guild who's members play at the same time as you... As for class and role, the best way to enjoy the game is to play the class and role you will enjoy the most. If the guild you find wont accept that, then they probably wont be the fun, social guild you are looking for.


I'd suggest you do what Aarka said in the above post, but then also that you create the character that you want to play, train and work towards your desired AC and role. On the way you should be able to group up with others, talk to them and see if they are in a guild on any alts, if they aren't already in a guild on the char they are playing.

Perhaps you'll make some friends and create a guild of your own, who knows.

Edited by Ithilwen
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