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Merc Healing Reduced Heat Discussion


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Now this is extremely situational but I tend to not have TOO many issues overheating in PvP with the proper rotations, but I feel like in PvE especially in "oh ****" moments, that merc healing seems to take a bit of a hit. Based on heal amount alone, my operative guildmate has SLIGHTLY better gear than me but consistently heals per heal, more than my heals.


I also find that my crit amount fluctuates a lot, from around 2.5k to occasionally 5k and was wondering if there's a reason for this besides simply randomness.


Anyways, what I'm trying to get at is that I was wondering if others agree that mercs should get some sort of talent where on heal crits there's a chance to reduce heat by x amount instantly or x amount over time. My operative guildmate has a skill that allows him to heal but also gain energy.


Thanks guys. I've read two of the healing guides on this forum but still find it hard to heal in critical moments and/or when the tank is taking huge chunks of damage and I've already used my insta cast / 0 heat talents as well as emergency scan. The tank can literally die in the 1.7 seconds it takes me to cast rapid scan because I can't keep up with the healing.


I'm in 3 piece columi (not heal set though) + columi bracers with some tionese and my mainhand and offhand gun are the champion ones. I think I'm at around 1500 AIM with 30% crit unbuffed and around 65% surge and i think 10% alacrity.


TLDR: Wondering if anyone feels like merc heals could either heal for more since the cast time is quite long and we have no "oh ****" button like sorcs do with shield, or if we should get a talent high up in the bodyguard tree that has chance on crit heal to reduce heat.

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Even in PVP, I have never had one issue with heat. Emergency scan is really your Oh **** heal, just hope it crits...lol. I have run into heat issues of course when mixing in some DPS with heals, but that is about it. Make sure you are not over-healing. It is hard to do this in PVP sometimes because so much is going on. If the person your healing is about to get zerged by 3-4 players, obviously you are going to be throwing a lot of back to back heals.


I do more spot healing that anything for the group, with every once in a while pocket healing the ball carrier. Those are the moments when heals fly back to back, but even then I usually do not have heat issues. Just make sure to throw in Rapid Shots in between to allow heat to dissipate. If you have a 30%+ crit rate, each RS should provide ~1000hp heal.

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I feel like in PvE especially in "oh ****" moments, that merc healing seems to take a bit of a hit.


I've read two of the healing guides on this forum but still find it hard to heal in critical moments and/or when the tank is taking huge chunks of damage and I've already used my insta cast / 0 heat talents as well as emergency scan. The tank can literally die in the 1.7 seconds it takes me to cast rapid scan because I can't keep up with the healing.


My gear is not great. Its a compb of Columni, Tionesese, Champ PvP, and the other PvP. The only set bonus I have is the PvP 2 piece. I was sitting at about 470 bonus healing, 41% crit, and 80% surge. I recently traded some crit/surge for alacrity/power. Not sure on my new numbers.


We do KP Normal with 1 tank. On Fabricator, with only 1 tank, he has a 10 stack of the armor debuff the whole fight. This is the most healing intensive fight I have done in this game and I focus entirely on the tank. I am simply amazed at my output and the synergy of heat. Right as things start to get dicey and the tank is spending too much time at about 1/3 health, SCG pops and I can top him off. Then with refreshing KS and using emergency scan+RS my heat lowers as the tanks average health level slowly drops and then the cycle starts again. Occasionally I use the instant+no heat CDs. Occasionally I get too hot and Vent heat. But it works.


Best advice I can give is dont always keep people at 100% health so when you heal them, you are not overhealing them. Try to stay under 40 heat even if it means healths go below 50% for a short time as long as they will be no damage that 1 shots them. For burst damage, SCG is the answer. If you don't need burst healing, SCG is great to top everyone off. Sometimes I pop it and dont heal much because it still vents 16 heat. Make sure other people are not standing in Poo causing them to take too much damage. Poo standers make the healer look bad when its not their fault.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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