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2% difference? doubt it


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@ OP:


There is only one way to solve this.


You must level a sorc quickly to 50, this will give us the proper baseline. If you outheal yourself you know it's true.


Until then, we can only assume those that out heal you are geared/specced/better healers.


mmmm its gettin there, but that aint gonna sort it bioware needs to go check out there numbers

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Others are posting they are not seeing the big difference in healers that you are seeing.


From what others are indicating there is no big gap between the different healer types.


So its either:


1. You misread the stats

2. Others are doing a better job healing then you


Since you don't seem to want to hear that maybe, just maybe there are others who are better at healing then you, then there is really no point in trying to discuss this with you anymore.


have you read the ops thread at all? theres hundreds of peps that have posted bout it

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lol uneducated guess's saying that when theres 100s of others peps that have posted bout it in the ia operative thread please feel free to have a look


I did go over there and like here there are those saying it is underpowered while there are those saying they are able to heal for high numbers.


It is possible that OP healing is not as strong as other healing but it also seems that some playing an OP healer are doing just fine.

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