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Action Bars


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I'm sure this thread already exists, but, the game needs to have more than just the 4 action bars. After putting up my skills I only have a couple spots left for a misc. items such as stims, med pacs, vehicle..........not to mention social items, or the hutball icon.


You can't expect people to have to switch out their UI slots for every differnt activity. Please add extra Action Bars.


And YES, I have gone into preferences and turned on the extra bars on the side.



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1. You don't need your revive skills on your hotbars. You can just r-click a fallen ally/companion to revive them. (possible exception the in-combat revive skills?)

2. Some of your skills will inevitably be pretty worthless to your advanced class/spec. Pick and choose which ones you may want to use. Just be glad this isn't EQ and you can keep more than 8 available at once. (conditional attacks that only work on standard/weak that are immobalized/stunned, I'm look at you...)

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Conditional skills, I don't bother to buy them. Oh... they need to be immobilized? yeah... meh. Sure they are nice, but mostly I end up fighting the strong enemies and mopping up the weaker guys when I am done with the tougher guys.


but yeah, we need more bars. And the ability to move the UI around. I want to move the chat down where my companion portrait is, maybe move my mini map up to the right top... Just would be nice.



And a larger HP area too...

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OR...they could provide more action bars.


I have to agree with this ... I need three at the bottom. Hopefully I didn't miss the setting. I did look.. If anyway knows how I unlock the third on the bottom row I would be pleased..


Building.. Finishing.. Healing.. and with buffs to the right of me. Dunno if I can move the Chat to bottom left and get the top menu bottom left also . Rifts format is best I have to say.. Can you duplicate that. Plus maps are very confusing to read and unless I missed it I can't put a waypoint on the map.. Don't really like the doors much they could just be highlighted sections of the map and quest help to finding map locations is a bit tricky.. or should I say none existent and with places not named on the map finding places particularly in the centres of occupation is frustrating. Fortunately zones are very small so not much of a problem.. not like travelling across Ashenvale or Barrens say before Cata.


Otherwise working as intended and a great game all round. More please.

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