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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I have simple but effective advice for you, BioWare.


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I'll try to keep this short and to the point.


Your game is good, even great - overall. But there are a few things I'd like to point out for all the good it'll do, coming from some random anonymous person. But I have played tons of MMOs and I've been playing computer games since the Atari and the first computer we owned and gamed on was a TRS-80 so I like to think I'm an expert on being a gamer if that counts for anything.


Take it seriously. Yeah, this sounds obvious. But many MMOs have come and gone, had millions of dollar put into them, had people's livelihoods tied into it and yet failed all the same.


The best thing you can do to show this, is keep a strong pace. Don't get slow and sluggish, leaving bugs and imbalances in the game for months and years on end sounds like a no brainer but every MMO does it. Every day I play this game I am annoyed by the interface. Do I REALLY need to get dismounted to drive through a short indoor area? Why does the companion mission window completely disregard what the user was doing? I won't bore everyone with further details because if you play, you know.


Don't draw too much inspiration from WoW. I've played (and still do) since day 1. Yeah, it's the most successful MMO in history but if it was released as it is today, it would not have achieved nearly as much. It's constantly lacked strong competition and Blizzard responds to glitches and bugs with the responsiveness of a glacier, quite ironic consider the company name. The main reason WoW still survives is because the longtime players who have developed friendships with their fellow guildmates. I'd bet money that the majority of long time WoW players would say they'd quit on the spot if their guild disbanded or most their friends quit. It's no longer about WoW, it's about the people. Their upcoming expansion shows how little they understand their own players or respect their own lore and story. To me, WoW feels like a game made for them, and not us.


Don't be afraid to make separate rules for PvP. PvP has dominated WoW's gameplay and balance decisions since arenas were added. The entire game, most especially the PvE has suffered from it. I don't hate PvP. But it shouldn't negatively impact PvE nor the other way around.


I could go on and on, but I wanted to keep this brief. Good luck.

Edited by ShaneW
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Don't be afraid to make separate rules for PvP. PvP has dominated WoW's gameplay and balance decisions since arenas were added. The entire game, most especially the PvE has suffered from it. I don't hate PvP. But it shouldn't negatively impact PvE nor the other way around.


I'm not sure you succeeded in keeping it short and to the point, at least not for these forums.;)


Anyway, I certainly agree with this part. I NEVER pvp and AFAIC, there's already been one pvp-related nerf that's affected PvE play.

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yes, because rift has such a large playerbase right?

It has enough of a player base to secure $80 million in venture capitalist money. They're doing something right on 10% of the budget for TOR.


If TOR had released with Rift features(features, not game play or story), the subscriber numbers would have increased in the first month instead of decreasing by 15%*.


* In case you're wondering, they sold 2,000,000 copies but only have 1,700,000 subscriptions. That's a 15% loss of total sales in the first month.

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Everyone who makes a thread like this is somehow an expert wih tons of MMO's played.
People may not be programming experts or have much knowledge on the technical aspect of software development, but having played MMOs - the finished product of that knowledge and technology - players often do have experience and insight about what works in a game, what doesnt, and why.
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