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The End of the Game


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if you cant play you skip it why ruin a whole game for millions of players for some emotional casuals.The game its owesome and it has to stay like this.Gear its easy to get even for 1 2 hours of gameplay per day.You cant play because time is short well dont ruin the game for others thats selfish.If you want to compare this to World Of Warcraft compare it to WOW pre Molten Core.Only some one that envy`s this game would compare a fresh launch MMO to a polished one.


A few huh? Emotional huh? You prove the point, the casuals will win out eventually

because they make up the bulk of the players, hence they pay the bills. you are one of the small SMALL group of hard cores, and just like in wow the word casual makes you want to spit. And its not easy it takes a lot of work for anyone that doesn't have tons of time so stop speaking for everyone.


And while I am at it, there's no community anywhere on line, only convenience, when people need each other they help, this is the case 80% of the time. I'm not saying people in guilds and such are not friends....and when you run together its great. But pugging people on a server does not constitute community, if you think it does read the damn definition of the word. And people keep post things like "Well you must have bad luck because I don't have any trouble" That kind of statement absolutely is worthless when someone else cant do something, just because on your server everyone likes to sing at 6 o'clock every night doesn't mean that john can get people together on his server at 6 o'clock, it doesn't matter because you are on different servers, with different people. And one last thing when the hell did flying mounts become evil? that is the dumbest crap Ive heard on here, now I agree they would be moot in this game, but to say its a deal breaker I'm confused on that one. Oh yeah troll away fan boi's I don't really care but you'll learn soon who bioware will cater to, and that will be the folks that make up the bulk and pay the bills.

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No, and a thousand times no!

People like you need to wake up and realize swtor is competing with WoW 2012, not 2004....


I actually love comparing the now WoW to SWTOR.


WoW: Stand in Org

SWTOR: Stand in fleet


WoW: Bugged, easy raids

SWTOR: Bugged,easy ops


WoW: Unbalanced PvP/PvE

SWTOR: Unbalanced PvP/PvE


WoW: Dead graphics

SWTOR: Does have better graphics


WoW: Level to cap in a week or less

SWTOR: Level to cap in a week or less (if you really push)


WoW: Boring to level

SWTOR: leveling was fun


WoW: Only one raid (you cannot count things like Firelands because it is now dated and no one runs it...thus who cares?)

SWTOR: 2 Ops (or is it three?)


WoW: ghost town in every zone save for Org, SW, IF, etc.

SWTOR: Seen quite a few people in various zones


WoW: Boring combat animations

SWTOR: I enjoy the blasters, lightsabers, FIRE, etc. (this is a subjective viewpoint.)


WoW: Grind for gear. That's it. There is nothing else to WoW but epeen.

SWTOR: Grind for gear.


WoW: Pandas and pokemon and cows and (ugh) gnomes and elves and space goats

SWTOR: Pick a species.


WoW: Hunter pets (which STILL FAIL in PvP overall. a few exceptions to the rule)

SWTOR: Companions. They are not just a puppy you name. They have personalities and can fill various roles. And they are your personal servant...ie go make this nowsssss.


WoW: Was good for a while, but the game is no longer fun. (subjective)

SWTOR: Still having a blast.


WoW: Blizzard has lied countless times about what they will put out. They never listen to the community.

SWTOR: Not perfect, but they have proven (imo) they are listening to the community.


WoW: Addons. They went to far with this imo. DBM was the worst.

SWTOR: Will implement UI addons in the future. (Check the dev tracker or google it. They said it.)


WoW: ugh. it's a chore to log in just to raid for gear that I probably won't get. Questing sux so screw alts leveling alts.

SWTOR: still gear grind exactly like WoW is, but alts are fun in between operation nights.


To sum up, WoW was good but is now crap. (not due to SWTOR, Blizzard killed WoW)



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No, and a thousand times no!

People like you need to wake up and realize swtor is competing with WoW 2012, not 2004....


So Bioware is expected to develop the game for 10 years so that it can have all the features that WoW has? Your logic is flawed. Features will be implemented in swtor over time and much faster than WoW did.

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OP basically says it's the end of the game because it's not like WoW.


No its the end of the game because they only care about money. That is it and nothing else.


They also go through and remove thing that they done want people to read in the forums also. They dont want people to read everyones opinion and make one for themselves, they would rather hide what they dont want people to read and keep what they do want people to read and then still try to pass it off as if nothing was ever said.

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At least match them. Or did they think that story alone was enough to make a good profit on?


SWTOR is a better story, WoW is a better mmorpg.

Its ironic what people ask for, they want a game that has everything WOW has.............. but want something completely different too.


/mind boggled.

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Your point with Flash Point cross server and a rating option is by far the worse idea Ive heard.


LFG destroyed WoW's Community and I do not want to see that happen here. Lets all learn from that mistake.


While a LFG same server would not only help it would booster the community if on the same server. It makes you accountable for your actions.


I have yet to really experience the end game nor have I had to use the CS as of yet so I can not comment on the rest.


Played WoW from day one...............couldn't disagree more with this statement. Players ruined the WoW community. People are responsible for the use of tools. Tools are never the root of any issue with human interaction.


The LFD was by far the best idea ever implemented by Blizzard. Biorware would do well to follow that example.

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The LFG made it so that people with jobs could fit instances into their lives.


I have a job, so does my wife both of our jobs are quite demanding and then we have our Children our friends and families the Charity we volunteer for yet we can both fit instances in our lives.


Got any more Straw men you would like to erect? :rolleyes:

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I have a job, so does my wife both of our jobs are quite demanding and then we have our Children our friends and families the Charity we volunteer for yet we can both fit instances in our lives.


Got any more Straw men you would like to erect? :rolleyes:


Isn't equally unfair to say that just because your situation gives you enough time to run what you want that the same must be true for others?


What I don't get is the folks that say they get groups just fine being against something that might allow others to get groups as quickly as they can. If they don't need the tool then why worry about it's implementation. Just go along your merry way making groups the way you did before the tool was introduced.

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End game for Swtor is worse than World of Warcrafts ever was. When you can't even assign loot or pass on loot you don't want to go to you over another person it just seems like you guys are not trying. Bosses that you only wipe on because they are bugged makes everyone annoyed with the game. None of this would be a problem if you guys had premades in the test servers so that end game would get tested along side the early stage of the game.


I partly agree. It definitely needs more testing, but it is neither better nor worse than what WoW had back in Vanilla WoW.


Flashpoint finder should have been put into the game cross-server. If you were worried about people being rude to each other I would have suggested making a player rating system that everyone can check. If you get a lower player rating then you will be stuck with other players with that nature. Not having this in the game makes the flashpoints seem like a lot more work than they should be; mainly because most of them do not have a special location so they don't feel like an adventure like going to deadmines or shadowfang keep.


Absolutely NO. Dungeon Finder for the server sure, but cross server no way in hell would I ever support it. I was there pre-cross server in WoW and after and it absolutely destroyed the server I was on. I applaud BioWare for this move and hope they never take this approach.

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Isn't equally unfair to say that just because your situation gives you enough time to run what you want that the same must be true for others?


What I don't get is the folks that say they get groups just fine being against something that might allow others to get groups as quickly as they can. If they don't need the tool then why worry about it's implementation. Just go along your merry way making groups the way you did before the tool was introduced.

If you are using the LFG function in WOW as a DPS, enjoy the wait.


I played as a HEaler, so my wait times weren't too bad. Plus my best friend was a Tank, so I never waited. But the people we would get in our groups.......................dear lord. We booted a minimum of 1 person for each dungeon run.

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