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Well, I think the PvP is horrid.


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It seems to be horribly imbalanced. Added with a sweet touch of a player can be 40 levels higher than you doesn't help either.


I won't say which classes need a nerf, because I don't know if it's a balance issue of classes or levels. The idea all together is quite ridiculous. I was hoping that the PvP would be good, but I was fooling myself. The immense amount of slows and CC's make me laugh as well. I mean I could ***** and complain and draw a list of problems. But I wanted to know what you all thought. And if you think it's fine explain how and why it's fine. Cause I think it's far from fine.

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This dude is either trolling or 100% plays a melee class. Its well known melee gets shafted until you get into your 30's and get some more stuff.


This thread wasn't about an opinion on me, please stay on topic. If you have no concerns, state why

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I hear ya, but the reality is, there is no such thing as balanced PVP. Some games truly are more balanced then others, but there are too many complexities to make PVP in an MMO as balanced as lets say a fighting game.

Fighting games are almost 100% player skill based, and MMO's are kind of a combination of player skill, class, and group. Many more variables.

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Wait until max level, they are still parsing data and looking at all the numbers they will eventually try to work on better balancing PVP but nothing will ever be 100% balanced right off the bat. It takes time and effort.


Also isn't this like the 4th "PVP Is bad" thread stating the same thing? Someone angry that the game isn't perfectly balanced?

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Balance has been an issue in every MMO ever that allows classes. You must be new to the genre.


I understand that balance is an issue. But this seems ********. And like I said to top it off the massive level differences. It's hard enough to balance classes, lets now throw in the issues of massive different levels

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It seems to be horribly imbalanced. Added with a sweet touch of a player can be 40 levels higher than you doesn't help either.


I won't say which classes need a nerf, because I don't know if it's a balance issue of classes or levels. The idea all together is quite ridiculous. I was hoping that the PvP would be good, but I was fooling myself. The immense amount of slows and CC's make me laugh as well. I mean I could ***** and complain and draw a list of problems. But I wanted to know what you all thought. And if you think it's fine explain how and why it's fine. Cause I think it's far from fine.


Been playing since Beta and the PvP is very fun. The classes are all MIRRORS of one another. Balance is a non-issue. I have seen level 10 players top the Damage in several Warzones (well Warzones without lvl 50s). There is the Bolster mechanic that evens you out pretty much from 10-49 and Resolve is much more robust than it was a few weekends ago relieving some of the CC.


The only possible complaints that are valid are from the Force Tanks Guardian/Juggernaut that take a long time to grow into their abilities and don't get their CCs until much later than other classes.


Either way...you're comment here is derived from sheer lack of experience in SWTOR PvP, or lack of ability....or perhaps both.

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I don't understand how you can even fully judge PvP when you're what level?

And have been playing since when?

Oh and the game isn't even technically released...


Yea, I agree. How can you fully judge PvP at that level, oh wait, it doesn't change....

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Been playing since Beta and the PvP is very fun. The classes are all MIRRORS of one another. Balance is a non-issue. I have seen level 10 players top the Damage in several Warzones (well Warzones without lvl 50s). There is the Bolster mechanic that evens you out pretty much from 10-49 and Resolve is much more robust than it was a few weekends ago relieving some of the CC.


The only possible complaints that are valid are from the Force Tanks Guardian/Juggernaut that take a long time to grow into their abilities and don't get their CCs until much later than other classes.


Either way...you're comment here is derived from sheer lack of experience in SWTOR PvP, or lack of ability....or perhaps both.


It may be my skill, I don't know. But again, why is this thread about me.


Again, the bolstering, I think, doesn't really do much.

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It may be my skill, I don't know. But again, why is this thread about me.


Again, the bolstering, I think, doesn't really do much.


It has become about you because it's just a little ridiculous to be making these observations so early and thus lacks validity.


I'm pretty horrified to see these types of threads already where people try a few Warzones, get facerolled due to lack of experience or ability then run immediatly to the forum and start screamin for nerfs.


Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your class. Understand where and how to best make use of your abilities. When you get facerolled...learn. Adapt. Make some friends, and group with them for PvP and communicate. Still failing? Try another class that better suits your playstyle and ability.


But please, please don't roll to the Forums after 2 days and a few lost Warzones to scream that the sky is falling. Not yet, dude. Please.

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Video of a level 10 Sniper (with newbie gear!) toping damage in Voidstar warzone, just from today to prove a point:




It's not the class or lvl. Its the skill of the player....


No, that only proves that the skills dont scale with gear. You do know in vanilla wow a rogue could kill you with 0.9 dps dagger just by the non-scaling skillset.


So again NO, its not the player skill, its how the skillset has been constructed.

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Video of a level 10 Sniper (with newbie gear!) toping damage in Voidstar warzone, just from today to prove a point:




It's not the class or lvl. Its the skill of the player....


To go even further its the skill of the team that leads to wins. SWToR is far more focused on objectives and teamwork thatn simply padding numbers on the damage/kill charts. A team of ALL level 10s that work together and are somewhat organized will beat a team full of level 50s that aren't any day.


I had a PUG in beta where I was the only 50 and rest of my team was a 24 then all 14 and under that got put up against a full premade of level 50s in Voidstar and our team won without letting the attacking premade plant a single bomb. We had a good leader and people listened actually listened so we stayed well organized and actually worked together, thus the extreme overall level differences didn't mean anything at all.


That being said however there were indeed certain warzones where certain classes had quite a large advantage over all others but I haven't done any pvp on live yet to see if these issues have been addressed yet or not and if they haven't im sure they will be soon enough.

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No, that only proves that the skills dont scale with gear. You do know in vanilla wow a rogue could kill you with 0.9 dps dagger just by the non-scaling skillset.


So again NO, its not the player skill, its how the skillset has been constructed.


First of all the vid is 20 minutes long so you didnt watch. Fail


Get your head out of WoW. No longer applies, and you are simply......wrong.


This is how the Bolster mechanic works. On top of that many, many people think the Sniper/Gunslingers are troublesome in PvP because of the cover mechanic. This video is smashes both of these claims.

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First of all the vid is 20 minutes long so you didnt watch. Fail


Get your head out of WoW. No longer applies, and you are simply......wrong.


This is how the Bolster mechanic works. On top of that many, many people think the Sniper/Gunslingers are troublesome in PvP because of the cover mechanic. This video is smashes both of these claims.


I do not need to watch the video because i already know how the skills scale. Thats what makes this problematic, if you do not understand why i made the wow rogue comparison you are quite ignorant about the situation and have nothing worthwile to contribute.


So, please for everyones sake stop spewing nonsense and get out of the PVP forums.

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He is right on 1 point,the PVP is horrid

It is 100& PVE in the Bgs as the environment is the critical factor to winning and playing effectively,not player/class skill/abilities


World PVP is, at this time, non-existent.


Uhh theres no PVE at all in any of our PVP except if your unlucky or dumb in world PVP. Enviroment is a key factor in PVP in any and every single game out there lol.

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Look for the 150th time its not wow nor is it guild wars this system looks pretty balanced you can be low level and fight higher levels with bolster. Sure, will the guy whos higher level have more stuff he can do? Why yes he will. If you are already going to start crying about pvp and didnt even read the damn notes on pvp i would suggest you go read them check bolster out k. Other then that its great you dont like pvp, dont pvp. Simple choice but dont come in and start crying its unbalanced cause you lost.

And if you are going to come in here and start qq then atleast start it off with this big meanie in pvp hit me so hard that it really hurt my poor wittle feeling. Its skills and knowing your class and the classes. You have 4 classes pretty much, learn to counter and domiinate. I havent checked out the pvp gears but if you can be low level and balance out with high its not going to be gear its skills that will decide your fate.

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