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While we are an incredibly awesome class to play - if played correctly - I once again see descriptions of the sacred 31/31/31 build. Someday I will unlock it. Someday...


Oh and the heals part is BS. We get a single little HOT and another one if specced full Tactics.


Otherwise yeah, we can 1v1 pretty much every class and pretty much every class can 1v1 us. Depends a lot on who started first and who is actually controlling the avatar :) My 31/8/2 tank can do wonders when backed up with a good player, healer or not, but still is far from immortal or single-target DPS. A nice Tactics or Assault build on the other hand can burn through enemies but doesn't have Guard, Storm or the survivability. Etc. etc.


Yah I find In 1v1 duels as a vanguard im ivnicible, in pvp I usually do pretty well (especuially using guard) but in 1v1 duels i find myslef beating ppl like 5 lvl's higher as a vanguard

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Whatever spec Sith Inquisitor I saw wreck a WZ and get ELEVEN medals. Wish I had taken a screenshot. And almost hit 500k dmg. That was a painful Voidstar.

Consulars are pretty strong as well.

And a 2.5k hit is garbage when you have lightning ticking for 1600ish non crit...


Guild trooper I was running with last night got whispered that he crit someone for 5.5k. So there's that...

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