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PvP is a disaster


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This game has too many fanboy baddies.


Listen OP, if you have a problem, submit it to BW as a suggestion.


The clowns here are too deluded (since the game has just been released) to think critically.

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First of all, Jedi Guardian is trash in low levels because you don't get a single stun, so basically you're forced to be defense specced or you won't be successful at all. Even then, you still blow mainly because you're just a target that everyone wants to wack while dishing out pathetically low damage.


I KNOW RITE, Guards are complete trash.




Thats a brand new guard after getting my AC and getting into my first warzone. They're so bad.

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PVP isnt balanced in an MMO...a brand new, not even launched MMO to boot?


Looks like we've all wasted our time guys / gals, this is APB all over agian, this game will shut down by next month.


If people don't whine/complain/rant on the official forums, then nothing changes.


BW has already said it only need 500K subscribers to make bank anyway, so the game could end up mediocre and still turn a profit.




The OP has made some good points and the reaction was typical inane fanboyism.


This game didn't just appear out of nowhere a few days ago. It's been in beta for awhile and the criticisms of the PVP system are nothing new.

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You might want to actually read what thous "fanboi trash" have written. Unless you are immune to logic and common sense.


Nah, I think fanboy trash is defined as immediate trolling once a criticism is made.


It's not even that the OP might want to talk to you fanboy baddies. It's that you guys keep spamming the thread with your shallow responses that we have to scroll and scroll to get to the actual discussion.

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What discussion?


Everything that had to be said is no the first page. He was explained that low level characters don't have full skillset therefore are less likely to win against certain classes.


There is a reason why devs in all mmos aim for balance at max level only.

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!st off, real PvP in any mmo I've participated in began (<---) at level cap. We had fun with our twinks before that but was any range balanced (another funny concept to me unless the mmo is strictly PvP) or did 1 or 2 classes dominate?


Come on man, have we seen 100k max level/geared people playing this game yet? Can we at least consider probing the game from a scientific viewpoint before we start making wild pronouncements about how crappy it's PvP is?


Even if 6 months from now there is a consensus that SWTOR's PvP is flawed we have no idea at this time what those shortcomings are.


Servers should go down in waves for maintenance so that people didn't go trolling the forums for their distraction.

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on issue I have with pvp is it is always huttball. It seems there is very little republic on the server.


Very few on all servers actually but after playing the others warzones im kinda happy with huttball because i really dont like the ones they have provided us with TBH although huttball is pretty crappy i really wish the fire traps and such didnt do sooo much damage

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Did you read the OP thread?


Are you people playing this game or are you in your fantasy world?


I dont believe OP is trying to flame the game. He has made some valid remarks about the gameplay that i agree with him 100%. Especially for the skill reaction in game when we talk about instant casts. I saw that also in BETA but now its even worse.

Edited by Princz
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Did you read the OP thread?


Are you people playing this game or are you in your fantasy world?


I dont believe OP is trying to flame the game. He has made some valid remarks about the gameplay that i agree with him 100%. Especially for the skill reaction in game when we talk about instant casts. I saw that also in BETA but know its even worse.


Agreed the delay in abilities is horrible i have been screwed out of sooo many maul on my assassin it is unbearable but i keep playing im sure this will all get fixed due time


and for the lag ill stunn someone and they will be in a whole different place from where i stunn them

Edited by Junebugs
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Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once... MMO's are balanced for max level PvP. It is physically impossible to balance the game for every level, without everyone playing one class.


If you don't like it and feel they have done such a bad job, WoW panda expansion is around the corner. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.



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It cracks me up that every MMO released there is always that guy that on the first few days makes a fool of himself on the forums. Good thing we are all pretty much faceless and nameless. No one will make fun of you in game for being foolish.


It's a MMO... Don't play MMO's if you don't want to wait for them to fix things.

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Well, the only thing I can really agree with... Is fix the damn venders! Sort by level or something!


While you are at it, fix the action house. I should be able to search the entire action house with an item name, why do I have to select all that crap first before I can type.


Other than that frustration, I am having fun!

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The lagg really is unbearable and they need to do something about it ASAP. Its impossible to time youre abilitys.

Not to mention as a melee half the time im running after people unable to land a hit becouse the game think im out of range (something which afcourse doesnt affect the long range classes)

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Get to level 50, start playing the game, learn it.

Learn all the abilities of the different classes.

Get some gear.

Play with some friends instead of just playing PvP with randoms all day long.


Still having issues?


Either you being bad, or PvP being unbalanced.


But before this, please dont whine.

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I'm a low level juggernaut, although level 18 now and not squisshy at all.


And don't blame pvp by a bad connection or pc.


I had no lag or glitches at all, just tons of fun.


I can't wait to get organised and have loads of those tons of fun.

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