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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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Yeah I have several friends who test games professionally the company they work for has been tackling more MMOs lately and they said go to SWTOR and stay the eff away from GW2.


Hey I have a friends who works for company that tests games professionally as well, and he said that Guild Wars 2 is a fantastic game and highly recommends it.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Hey I have a friend who works for company that tests games professionally as well, and he said that Guild Wars 2 is a fantastic game and highly recommends it.


I have magic leprauchaun friends that test pots of golds and put them at the end of rainbows and gets paid three fitty an hour for doing it.


Every one can lie about stuff on the internet.

I've actually played the game, it's excellent. I agree 100% with the guy above me.

Edited by Sireene
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Lol Guild Wars based on skill? No Guild wars is Paying for to be good.


umm what? I'm trying to decipher what you said here. Are you saying that Guild Wars 1 was a pay to Win game? That through the guild wars store you can give yourself advantages over someone that did not use the store? If so, then you are 100% wrong, there was nothing on the store that gave you an advantage over someone who didn't.

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Raid's aren't about gear, MMo's aren't about gear.


Guild wars 2 is finally getting it right.


For some they are. There are tons of people that play MMOs for gear. Many might tell you they don't, but I would guess that most people raid for gear. Those that raid for the thrill and the fun and the challenge are few and far between.


I remember seeing a poll on here months ago which actually supported my claim. The poll said something like "Why do you raid?" and around half of the respondents clicked the "For gear" option.


For me personally, I don't care about raiding, what I care about is character advancement, and some of that advancement does include gear. I'm still waiting for an up to day MMO where you can progress your character fully without having to raid.

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Raid's aren't about gear, MMo's aren't about gear.


Guild wars 2 is finally getting it right.


There are a ton of threads on these forums that beg to differ.


Gear is to easy to get!

Everyone has purples!



It's all a matter of opinion, but I really don't see what the hype is for GW2.


Boggles my mind.


Maybe haters are just ready to trash something new?

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and besides Gw2 is not a gear based game so why raid in the first place?


Funny, I remember time and time again for many years now, raiders specifically stating that they don't raid for the gear, but they raid because it is fun and challenging and the gear is a means to the end. :rolleyes:

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I have magic leprauchaun friends that test pots of golds and put them at the end of rainbows and gets paid three fitty an hour for doing it.


Every one can lie about stuff on the internet.

I've actually played the game, it's excellent. I agree 100% with the guy above me, but the guy he quoted is an idiot.



haha, I'm glad you caught on to that :D

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There are a ton of threads on these forums that beg to differ.


Gear is to easy to get!

Everyone has purples!



It's all a matter of opinion, but I really don't see what the hype is for GW2.


Boggles my mind.


Maybe haters are just ready to trash something new?


I think most the hype has to do with WvW and the dynamic event system. Side kicking and all the PVP stuff. IF IF IF it can deliver on its promises it will be a great game. But again, holding steady and trying not to get my panties in a wad until I get my hands on the game.

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Simple answer really: The Star Wars universe.


Your simple answer is 100% incorrect.


There are only ever 2 things that limit a game, the makers of the game and the people that play it.


If a game maker is not capable or unwilling to unbound their limits, the game becomes limited.


If a playerbase does not use their voice to get the game maker to add features, the game becomes limited.


This games biggest flaw right now is its playerbase that feels it must attack and try to shut down each and every single person that attempts to request a feature or complain about missing features.


A house divided cannot stand. Either help make this game BETTER or YOU are the cause of the games limits...and right now, this game is very very limited and I place that blame on a lot of really bad beta testers that fought those that tried to actually give feedback.

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There are a ton of threads on these forums that beg to differ.


Gear is to easy to get!

Everyone has purples!



It's all a matter of opinion, but I really don't see what the hype is for GW2.


Boggles my mind.


Maybe haters are just ready to trash something new?


Have you been following GW2 and all it's news and mechanics?


THAT is why there is hype about the game.

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There are a ton of threads on these forums that beg to differ.


Gear is to easy to get!

Everyone has purples!



It's all a matter of opinion, but I really don't see what the hype is for GW2.


Boggles my mind.


Maybe haters are just ready to trash something new?


I played three betas for ToR and knew it was gonna be weak.


I've played GW2 for a little bit and the combat alone is worth the buy.

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I really hope GW2 lives up to the expectations you guys have of it, because the fanboyism surrounding TOR is nothing compared to GW2 which hasn't even been released yet. Seriously, unless that game comes packaged with the secret to eternal life, a lot of people are going to look seriously silly.


Incidentally, you are aware that TOR is a huge, confirmed success, aren't you? Even without the huge advertising campaign that begins this week? Cos you're kind of acting like you think it's failing.


For myself and many others I know ToR is a complete failure and the GW2 we have already played is so far above and beyond what Tor is that its crazy to think about how much money EA/BW wasted on a WoW clone with terrible voice acting and boring stories.

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Have you been following GW2 and all it's news and mechanics?


THAT is why there is hype about the game.


Yes I have, the WoW like graphics, races, animations aren't really a negative, but I'm tired of cows and gnomes (or gnome like in GW2's case).


I also am leery of an 85 level grind.


And I fear that ANet is boasting more than they can deliver for their WvW or whatever it is.


At one point I read there may be like 1500 players in one place....YOUR PC CANNOT HANDLE THAT.


If they spread the players out, that's one thing. But it also would diminish the PvP battles.


I'll watch for the Press reviews, but I just don't see why everyone is so mega-hype over a game like this.



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Your simple answer is 100% incorrect.


There are only ever 2 things that limit a game, the makers of the game and the people that play it.


If a game maker is not capable or unwilling to unbound their limits, the game becomes limited.


If a playerbase does not use their voice to get the game maker to add features, the game becomes limited.


This games biggest flaw right now is its playerbase that feels it must attack and try to shut down each and every single person that attempts to request a feature or complain about missing features.


A house divided cannot stand. Either help make this game BETTER or YOU are the cause of the games limits...and right now, this game is very very limited and I place that blame on a lot of really bad beta testers that fought those that tried to actually give feedback.


There is not a problem with people voicing their concerns and legitimate gripes and what they consider things that will add to the game.


But sadly most of the haters on this board do not do this. they troll for attention. they dont want this game to get better, they want it to fail so they can tell us all I told you so, I was right and you were wrong.

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