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About: Leaving a Warzone


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I just subscribed after playing for about a month. Basically, I made the change because I was enjoying the warzones and did not want the restriction on the weekly number I could play.


I enjoy the PVP aspect, and am learning and getting better. However, I have to say that the deserting is bad and makes for a bitter experience. I admit I have been frustrated at getting my butt kicked 6-0 in Huttball with a team that is bickering and has no strategy. Hopefully BW will take some steps to incentify people to stay in the game.


Maybe a lockout timer for deserters might be appropriate. or as other have mentioned, a debuff.

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Leaving a warzone mid-game should, and must be punished somehow, this is in a urgent need of a fix.


Yesterday, i saw 3ppl leaving the warzone mid-game and joined again, and left again, and joined again, 3x times, no penality.


This is what breaks the warzones. People that wanna play, cannot join because leavers rejoin without any kind of penalty.


Solution: Leavers need to recieve a Deserter Debuff where the amount of commendations will be significantly reduced !

Edited by Cratzky
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Sometimes I whisper to those leaving scum asking them nicely why are they doing that - they are usually very rude, impolite and aggressive. I think this kind of people that is giving up in the middle of the game is the worst type of players and they should be punished for ruining PvP.
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