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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pro-Skadge or Anti-Skadge ?


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Does anyone (who plays a BH) like this guy? Do you ever use him or even send him on missions? I don't.


BW, can we please have the option to throw Skadge out the escape hatch.. or perhaps some other entertaining way of killing him?


And then could you design us a companion we could appreciate? I mean, this was our final companion we got as we leveled, and he's more useless than the droid. mostly because i don't want to hear his r-e,t:a[rd__e..d voice.


So I guess that makes me Anti-Skadge. How about you?

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I love Skadge. All the other companions get pissed off at you for being rude or an ******e to someone. After 4 mostly goody goods you finally get someone who thrives on slaughtering everything in sight and not taking crap from anyone. I easily, EASILY maxed out his affection and thoroughly enjoyed having a companion that loved being bad as much I do.
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was pretty much ambivalent towards him because by the time I got him I was already gearing Torian as my personal DPS slave and maxing affection on the characters with the most important crafting bonuses.


didn't help that I play ST and ST/hybrid so I didn't need another tank. He stands around on the ship and I send him to do slicing.


I didn't like him at first either, just because as a bounty hunter I didn't think it was appropriate to put an ex-con on my crew. At least Gault was a brain- he's smart, fast-talking, and figured out a way to fake his death to cover my tracks. Skadge was just dumb muscle that got along with me because I was a Dark Side 5 sociopath.


But then I realized, I could use that.


You see, Skadge is good to keep around, because you can trust him.


No, not actually trust Skadge- of course not. He's a violent criminal. But you can trust Skadge to act like Skadge.


He's stupid, predictable, and he always picks the shortest distance between two points. He's probably terrible at poker too.


So what does that make him? The perfect fall guy. If I ever had to pick a companion to sacrifice or get left behind, it'd be Skadge in a heart beat.


Not just because I like everyone else on the ship better... But because he would never see it coming.


So yea, I'm pro Skadge. Skadge stays. He stays until I can figure out a way to benefit from him disappearing.

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I could do with or without skadge, he never comes with me, but i do use him for missions... I don't see what the problem is really, skadge comes off as very realistic, I've known people who have done time and they never seem to lose that chip on thier shoulder, seems to be the case with skadge.
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I dislike Skadge quite a bit, not because he's a heartless turd but just in general.


Mind you, to help me get over his presence, I bought a load of Sith Warrior style gear, modded it with Aim and now he is Darth Skadge. This is an ongoing joke that makes his presence tolerable.


I suggest we replace the Dark Council with our own Darth Skadge.

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I like skadge. Like a previous poster stated hes the only guy that doesn't QQ about being a complete dick. I'm even ST so hes complete useless but i still rather have him tag along then some sappy/scared companion. I really dislike all my other companions, i mean we are on the empire and we have a sappy *** girl, a coward, a sappy wana be tough guy, a annoying jawa, and a sadistic killer. I guess if you went LS i can understand why you would dislike skadge however, if i wanted to go LS i would have just made a trooper and btw they have terrible companions too.
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My Fav is Blizz, he completely loves you and is a total BA. But Skadge is hilarious and is very supportive of your efforts to be a complete dick/darkside person if you want. I plan on gearing him and seeing what he can do. Maco is a complete boor and totally annoying. She If you want to go Dark side she will hate you. But her healing is nice.
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was pretty much ambivalent towards him because by the time I got him I was already gearing Torian as my personal DPS slave and maxing affection on the characters with the most important crafting bonuses.


didn't help that I play ST and ST/hybrid so I didn't need another tank. He stands around on the ship and I send him to do slicing.


I didn't like him at first either, just because as a bounty hunter I didn't think it was appropriate to put an ex-con on my crew. At least Gault was a brain- he's smart, fast-talking, and figured out a way to fake his death to cover my tracks. Skadge was just dumb muscle that got along with me because I was a Dark Side 5 sociopath.


But then I realized, I could use that.


You see, Skadge is good to keep around, because you can trust him.


No, not actually trust Skadge- of course not. He's a violent criminal. But you can trust Skadge to act like Skadge.


He's stupid, predictable, and he always picks the shortest distance between two points. He's probably terrible at poker too.


So what does that make him? The perfect fall guy. If I ever had to pick a companion to sacrifice or get left behind, it'd be Skadge in a heart beat.


Not just because I like everyone else on the ship better... But because he would never see it coming.


So yea, I'm pro Skadge. Skadge stays. He stays until I can figure out a way to benefit from him disappearing.

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
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I really wish Bioware made it when we got to the point where we added a new companion that it gave us the option for either a LS or DS companion. Yes i know; it would have been very time consuming. I'm tired of Bioware's BS about their games make your choices mean something when the end result your choices really only have 15% of the outcome of the game and the rest of the game is soooooooooo linear.
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"hey skadge, I need to you inspect the inside of this airlock"



The first time I met him I wanted to put my foot up his ***

The second time I wanted to put my blaster in his face

By the end I wanted to gut him, rip him to shreads and feed him to akk dogs


He's demanding to get on MY ship?? WHAT THE ABSOLUTE ****?!

*watch as he just climbs aboard*


*he starts insulting me and my crew*


Edited by Valkanna
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I have him geared in old stuff but I've never actually used him, I disliked him the second I was forced to use him on belsavis, however, I did finish his story (all my companions have maxed affection so I could see that).




I find the ending of Skadges left me wanting another part more then ANY other companion (minus Mako since that kinda brickwalled also, is she a clone or what?).


Either or, being part of Black Sun now (I think is what I got from the choices I made in the final dialogue), leaves so much potential for some amazing story quests later in the game if they add.



Edited by exphryl
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