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What class is good for me?


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I am looking for a class that can do tons of damage while also having a stable health bar, but I do not want to be a tank. P.S. The reason this is in the new person group is because this is the first MMO I have ever played besides Runescape as a member, but that really is nothing like this game.
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It's really up to personal preference. No one can tell you what you will like, each has its own merits.


Some basic questions can help narrow your focus. Do you want to be ranged or up-close and personal? Do you want to be a Force user or a Tech user?


Are you at all interested in healing or tanking at any point? Every class can DPS, so you might want to choose one based on other roles you eventually want to investigate.

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If you are looking to go Ranged, I'd go with the Trooper: Commando or Bounty Hunter: Mercenary. Those are the more damage oriented Advanced Classes, but they still wear heavy armor.


For Melee, Go Jedi Knight: Sentinal, or Sith Warrior: Marauder. The dual wielding, lots of damage, Advanced Classes for those classes. They only wear medium armor, but are still pretty tough, and dish out tons of damage.

Edited by split_light
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The reason I would not choose the Marauder (Sith version of the Sentinel) is because people say it is really hard to control or be good at. And why I would choose Mercenary is because I heard that they stand still for all their attacks. I don't really know what they mean by that, but it was in a negative tone. Can someone say why that would be bad?
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The reason I would not choose the Marauder (Sith version of the Sentinel) is because people say it is really hard to control or be good at. And why I would choose Mercenary is because I heard that they stand still for all their attacks. I don't really know what they mean by that, but it was in a negative tone. Can someone say why that would be bad?


noone stand still all the time, many fights requires movement to avoid bad hits.


Im playing a marauder now, tested a sentinel (mirror republic version) to 25 on beta and marauder is really fun.


either way all classes are well balanced so there is no real OP class. Pick the one that attract you the most.


Bounty hunters can stand still (exept for needed movement) or move like crazy (exept when charging/channeling attacks).


(oh and to clarify, my main is a sniper, im leveling the marauder with my friend since he got in 2 days after me :) so the marauder will stay as an alt :x)

Edited by Aryndelin
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