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Just let this thread die out ppl (says me posting on here and bumping it up :D )

This person wont get that its all about paying or not thats the only real option.

Hope you find some more cashwise worthwhile game out there, i havent tbh.

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/not signed.


dont agree, not a beta, too many phantom tickets from the troll guilds clogging the system and wasting resources better put twords real issues.


all of the phoney fps and lag issues, all of the ilum fake reports of things not happenng since the first fix. all the common repeated trollings that these ragekiddies think they can put massive amounts of tickets pretty much spam the support system making it harder for bioware to filter thru to the real deals.


not a beta, game worked fine at launch and still works fine, certain areas remain with some bugs but thats ok as it IS NORMAL. we are lucky this isnt a console game...try to get a patch or fix then.



/not signed.

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Hey folks,


While we do understand the reasoning behind petitions, please note they are not allowed on the forums per our Rules of Conduct. This is because we prefer to have threads which provide constructive and respectful feedback rather than pages of /signed type responses.


We'll be closing this thread but do encourage constructive feedback and suggestions that discuss the game in the future. Thanks!

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