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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Allow us to play without companions.


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Hmm... I find OP´s story really funny. I looove my companions. Sure a few companions

you cant get moddable weapons for (since, i think, they screwed up their mainstats - aim. and those weapons,if moddable should have hilts and no hilts with aim), but you can get the next

best thing - mastercrafted weapons. And to gear up the companions is basiclly the only thing

i have left doing outside raidingdays. All are almost fully columi-decked with a few rakatas.


I want mooore companions to gear up! :p

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I'm not going to diss your opinion OP. I can understand your want to level without one. though I like the companions, but there are a few classes that i wish had more flexibility that they could choose a companion over being stuck with A or B or C because they aren't balanced.


...and that has nothing to do with those who choose their companion due to playstyle. Like a tanks who chooses a DPS companion to speed up their kills while they ar a meatshield. Or a DPS class who chooses a tank companion to hold off aggro so they can pick their kills...


there is choice in many classes tho, but it impacts your playstyle. Like I enjoy Vette's attitude, but i don't enjoy the extra downtime without my healing companion. So i run with heals. Now, the jugg/knight is in an odd predicament with companions...but that's a class design problem, not a companion problem.


the the idea of NOT having them...Unfortunately they are here to stay. It would take so much redesign in the game that you could almost call it a new game. It's one of those things that sounds simply but is probably far too complex to execute that simply. each and every companion is an integral aspect of our storylines. Even changing the companions you GET would take enough resources that its not viable from a production perspective.


Like someone said, its part of the game design. it would be easier to eliminate PvP in all actuality, then to eliminate companions. If you don't like the companions, you may want to take a second look at whether you want to play the game or not. But it shouldn't be a suprise that companions are part of the game. take a look at the other Bioware products:


Mass Effect




just to name a few. notice any similarities? aside from the companions in those games of course...


I came into this game knowing that companions would be integral, and have yet to regret it...even with the issues that need correction with the same companions. or should we say classes.

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The game follows the story concept ie Han Solo and his Wookie co pilot Chewbacca. Even the latter films had the main characters working as a pair. Would seem a bit odd otherwise, don't you think. I generally don't like pets in games but this guy with me is really the tank so I can work the magic and stop being eaten alive at times. I wouldn't mind also dragging around a R2-D2[type] to be honest, or even a C2-N2 for some joky chat whilst fighting. Just adds even more to the atmosphere. Edited by Dekkau
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If you don't like companions, don't use one for normal missions. You'll probably be resting after every fight but non-Elite battles generally are soloable without a companion. Just summon one when you do need to kill an Elite and then dismiss them again afterward.
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have 5 companions, have 3 crew skills, make one slicing, send all 5 companions slicing. or is that too mcuh for you to keep up with, i bet you have issues being a tank or healer too, or do you want them to take all multi player aspects out of the mmo game they built?


confusing troll is silly.






30 people say dismiss companion and youre gtg but you dont address that issue at all its all about how useless they are or they take up too much of my time...how is having robot companions on a cycle of slicing missions too hard for you? not enough cradits? too hard to sell items and or goto w/h to store some of the good items?



and all you people who keep replying......... +1 for the lulz...

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So you want to be able to play and have it not be difficult for you and have it based entirely on your own skill, not your companion's? Ok, I got ya. You see that little button in the bottom right of your mini-map? Well, that lets you queue up for warzones. Warzones are a wondrous place where milk and honey flow from falls and cookies and cheesecake fall from the sky. It is a place where companions are unheard of, and that robot never bothers you. It is a place where your experience is entirely based on your own skill.


Wait...Oggi? Is that you? Well how are you!? No wonder you never thought of warzones as the solution, you just plain suck at this game! It's been fun. Really....

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Clueless poster is clueless. Did you even read anything before you typed? Yes, you can dismiss your pet- I mean "companion". So you can face content designed to be overtuned so that you *need* a companion, by yourself. Effectively meaning, you can't level without a companion.


I have been leveling without my companions for a while. I queue up a warzone and send them off for crafting. When I do quests, they are normally much lower level because of the extra time I spend in warzones. Since those are now much easier, I do them solo because my companions are busy doing other things. The feature you are asking for is already in place.

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Cool alternative, lame arena for 40 levels. i can barely wait to play huttball for 40 levels and get squashed by everyone higher level than me for the next umm... i think it takes 4 hours to level from 10-50?


I have been playing the 3 different warzones, not just huttball. More are coming soon I hardly ever get squashed by someone just because they are higher level. I get killed because they have more than 1 person attacking me at a time.

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because not everyone likes the handicap...


How is a companion a handicap, if the difficulty is adjusted to accomodate their existence??


People are more than welcome to play without their companions.. But then they shouldn't complain about how hard the game is..


Just my view of course.. :cool:

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I support this idea. I love most of my companions, but it has to be said that bioware promised this to feel epic and that you are a great hero. That is in contradiction with a lot of 2 vs 1 story mode fights.


The game can be quiet hard at some stages, I found it pretty lame from the early 30 until the early 40's. I wish they would reduce the damage output of target's which gives us the option of a hero mode without companion.

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you can.



'dismiss companion'.





^^^ Bingo


And no its not to hard with out

Some content is but most content at level or below can be handled with out a companion if you know your class and abilities and outfitted properly.


Might use a few extra med packs and have a little longer down time but thats not the end of the world.

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And you'll get your butt owned ;)




Gear up. Play well. Companions are for crafting. So keep them working. If I ever see a companion just standing around, I get mad at him and tell him to go do something useful. ("Useful" doesn't mean tanking a Standard).

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