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Knee length Orange Boots


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The one i got was only a green version.


The Agent's pvp boots are those high knee length boots which look great.


Except they look like those boots that professional horse riders are wearing. You know, skin tight, leather with top part sticking above the knee.


There are purple quality medium armor boots (red color) that look like the ones Sith Overseers in Belsavis are wearing. Xenotech something, they drop in Karagga's Palace. Once purple is fully moddable they will be pretty good for completing actual marauder-looking set.

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Those are exactly the ones that i want!


The lightside ones are called "Blademaster's boots".


Going to get them as soon as i get back to the fleet.




The Dark side vendor sells a pair (I believe the Light side vendor has the same version, but don't quote me on this) that's called Voidwalker's Boots.
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The Dark side vendor sells a pair (I believe the Light side vendor has the same version, but don't quote me on this) that's called Voidwalker's Boots.


Those are heavy armor, there's really nothing for Marauders at the dark/light vendors :mad:


I've more or less lost intrest in my Marauder because most of the time I feel like the red headed step child :(

Edited by Lundli
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Sooo... the knee length Medium boots are available... on the Republic side!!!


Was on the republic GTN and the orange strength medium boots are all knee length!!


On the Empire side, they are low cut boots...


That's so lame...

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Sooo... the knee length Medium boots are available... on the Republic side!!!


Was on the republic GTN and the orange strength medium boots are all knee length!!


On the Empire side, they are low cut boots...


That's so lame...


Sentinels wear pants as often as marauders are expected to wear skirts.


Marauder's gear is pretty much the ugliest stuff with the smallest variety imaginable. If you see a sith warrior wearing something that looks remotely good 9.999 times out of 10 it will end up being a juggernaut. The only marauders that are allowed to wear decent looking gear are the NPCs.


The progression video became a lie perpetrated on marauders whenever it was in the beta that the developers decided that Sith Warriors were to be the only class that has it's advanced classes wearing different types of armor.

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