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Which class is best for farming mats?


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Hi all,


I'm quite fed up with always running low of mats, but not enough money to buy them. So, I want to start a new character to just harvest mats. (main concern is biochem. But since I'm doing this, mind as well hit all three gathering skills aye :p)


I want to know, in your opinion, which class would be best suited to do this. (Republic class only. Not prejudice, but I've yet to start on that side of the story)


currently, I'm contemplating between a commando and a vanguard. (But I'm open to other class suggestions)




Commando: dps very well, has spammable aoe skills. But squishier. (this is a concern because only strong mobs can be harvest. And it would be easier to farm those in heroics.)


Vanguard: high survivability, especially after getting Elara. (I don't know how many skills can be spam, and how well they dps. )


Can anyone give me some good opinions.


Thank you!

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Stealth classes seem to gather easily. My scoundrel bypasses lots of mobs when I gather nodes avoiding lots of fights my other chars would otherwise have had to have.


TBH though, I don't think any class is significantly better at gathering than others barring companion crew skill bonuses which many assert do not impact node gathering so they only apply to tasks.

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Get to 50 on your main, do daily missions for massive amounts of credits, and just send your crew out on missions to get the mats you need.


Much easier than levelling a new character.


He may be like me and enjoy leveling characters :)


My favorite for mat gathering atm is my Jugg (repub side would be Jedi Knight) This is personal preferance...but I enjoy how they smash mobs as I run through the game. Force leap makes for some great gap closers, and the combination of leaping, smashing, and heavy spinning hits makes it fun when I have to clear out mobs.


try it...get a jugg/knight, leap into a pack of mobs, smash them to the ground, and then pound one a few times with your slash...it really looks like your pounding them into the ground. very good stress relief !


...which you have to do anytime there's a node nearby mobs close to your level. which is most nodes :p Only time you don't have to worry about killing is when you outlevel them by enough that they wont aggro unless your breathing down their neck.


But I digress...smashing face is simply fun. Might as well farm mats while your at it.

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Just as a side note here, when I changed crafting professions on my main at level 50 (Was originally 400 armormech, 400 scavenging, 400 underworld trading, changed to biochem, bioanalysis, and slicing) - I levelled the three new professions without ever once touching a resource node. All I did was send crew out on missions to get the materials and then used them to level crafting.


After all was said and done, and Biochem/Bioanalysis were both at 400, I had spent roughly 100k on missions and training. I got most of that back by selling the lower level materials I didnt use on the GTN. Levelling slicing afterwards ended up costing me something like 20-30k after all of the money I got back from lockboxes and the mission discoveries/schematics selling on the GTN.


Most other professions are similar, though other mission skills cost a bit more to level since they dont provide you more credits back than you're spending on the low level missions. Just doing these missions, I was able to get both biochem and bioanalysis to 400 within 2 days, and slicing in another 3~ days after that.

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Yeah, releveling sounds like kinda a waste if you like your class.


But if you are going to start an alt, then I do like stealth classes. I will never play a nonstealth class. The ability to bypass mobs is priceless.


I four box, and my group consists of a Shadow and x3 Scoundrel (all 23rd lv). All of them have slicing maxed. Then its bioanalysis/diplomacy, archaeology/treasure hunting, scavenging/investigation, and underworld trading/probably-cybertech.


I harvest every node that raises my skill level as I move through quest zones.


If you are going to do an alt for harvesting, take archaeology, scavenging and bioanalysis.

It's satisfying not having to pass up nodes.



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well, on my empire side I used that tracer tracer tracer + cc to run normal mode directive 7 and have lots of scavenging mats. I guess ur republic commando could do the same. I tried it with my vanguard but the lack of 1min cc makes me wipe :(
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Do the daily quests, if you do all of them (belsavis and ilum) you will get 165k-195k (depending on how many mobs you will have to kill for quest items)


Every 5 days you can buy a daily commendations rakata item (earpiece, implant) and they can be sold on the GTN, current price for a rakata daily commendations item on my server is: 1.2mil credits.


And thats from 5 days worth of doing daillies. And you also get 3 mods that are better than anything else you can get outside of HArdmode flashpoints that you can also sell. (they sell for 50-80k on my server)


Dont forget the daily flight mission :D it now gives you 2 daily commendations aswell =)


So th easiest way of "Farming" for Biochem materials would be to gather the credits and just buy it from GTN, you will have more than enough credits to buy whatever you need if you spend about 2 hours each day on the dailys.

Edited by Miothan
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