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Been thru Voss 3 times - IT. NEEDS. REBALANCING.


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Voss is a pain in the *** but its not a BRICK WALL!!!


If I can get through it with my then undergeared MM Sniper which has no significant CC anyone can do it.


There is only 1, republic only, quest that I can see being a problem with some classes.

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only issue i've ever had on voss is the republic side-quest where you have to kill a bunch of strongs in a cave, then stage two is to kill a gold-star Vorantikus (those giant spiky monster mobs).


The thing can't be kited because it pounces repeatedly, puts a dot on you that ticks for about 200 dmg every 2 seconds, hits for about 2-3k normal, and debuffs your armor. The only character i've been able to solo that on is my guardian, because of all the CCs I have.



one note to the guy who slagged on the beta testers. While i dislike the implication that we didn't know what we were doing, you are actually correct, mainly because of population issues. The high-level areas were rebalanced very late in beta testing. I mean, the last build before the weekend betas in november. Before that, the game was literally like playing hello kitty online...no challenge at ALL. Then they made it SUPER hard. Once you hit level 30-ish, mobs started turning you to piles of goo all over alderaan.


Then they had to scale it back a bit. The trouble with all this was that there were never more than 6 people on any of the higher level planets in all my time beta testing (I had 3 level 50 characters, one in each build i tested). Most beta testers never got much past Alderaan anyway. So yes, planets like Voss and Belsavis had limited feedback/testing from the beta playerbase. Unsurprising as they often wiped characters with every new build release. I had to play pretty much non-stop to reach lvl 50.

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I encountered this a bit. My first was with my healer sage, and while I soloed most of Voss and Corellia with Qyzens awesome tanking, I did notice the battles took much longer. On my sniper, I had outrageous DPS, as well as Vector completely decked out, and we were tearing through mobs like tissue paper until the nightmare lands and up.


Personally, I liked it. I was rapidly approaching endgame, there should be less and less things I can solo at 47+.

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Over and over I read posts by players who complain that the game is too easy and that they want a challenge, but when there is an actual hard quest or encounter the cries of "nerf this" go flying around faster than you can blink. I've leveled a Juggernaut, a Sniper, and most recently a Powertech through Voss and each time I did the Gormak Sabotage quest I had to work my tail off to not die from the opening salvo but I beat them, and I wouldn't change a thing about that quest. Use the tools the game gives you instead of begging for wowmode aka easymode gaming where you press a button and you get insta-epics.


I have to agree with this one hundred percent, people are always clamoring for 'Challenging' content. But when they die they scream for nerfs and rebalancing, yes in some cases content could be overtuned and be the reason for the death, most other times it seems that its the player messing up or not using all their abilities effectively.


Its like people assume that if they die the content is far to overtuned because 'obviously' they are a pro player and never have problems with anything so the fact that they as a 'pro' player are having issues means the problem is with the game and not themselves.


When I did Voss Sel-Makor gave me trouble and I died, realized that a lot of his abilities were AoEs situated around him or targetted at a spot. So I just kept him away from my companion and did alot of running around the area when he was casting and reduced the amount of damage he did to me significantly.(I will admit one problem with a boss like him is if someone hasn't played a sage/sorceror then they probably won't realize his Blast move autocrits if he gets his dot on you.)


Changing strategies and tactics can let you go around the wall rather than continuing to bash into it because sometimes your normal strategies are responsible for creating the wall to begin with.


As for Bonus series being hard or brick walls, they are bonus series they should be far more challenging to do than the normal quests on a planet as they aren't required at all.




Personally I've found that when I do run into the rare elite that is tough to take down and I win by a hair I feel far more elated than when I just rolfstomp one. Kind of like when I soloed the Heroic 4 on Nar Shaddaa with the weird name 'Hunger of the Vrrrs' or what have you. Wasn't suppose to be I was abit above the level and managed to slowly work to the final stage out of sheer stubbornness. Ended up respeccing multiple times just to be able to kill the champion mob that showed up because I was determined to finish it on my own since I'd already gotten that far already. And it felt rather good when I finally succeeded.

Edited by enigmayshi
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I have the same experience on Voss.


I have absolutely no problem going through mobs and completing quests up until the last part of the quest series.


Sometimes I send my companion off to sell trash loot, and I can still make it through quest content on my own.


However, as soon as I hit the last part of a quest series, for example; the area quest where the last part is killing the boss. Nope, I die, no chance in hell of killing him. Other quests in the cave did this to me too, as well as the class quest. I figure I'll just get another level or two and then come back.


It doesn't really bother me, I enjoy the pve challenge, I'll only get upset if I can't do it at lvl 48, currently at 46.


Also for some reason Voss is my favorite planet, maybe because I know I'm not going to out level it from pvping in wz's so much.

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It's not about one shotting anything, but if your lvl 46 and your goal is a lvl 45 elite that continually rails you....something isn't kosher.


I went to Voss at 50, and by no means did I put off going there before 50, that's just when the story took me there.


As a 50 Mara with Quinn on my six, Voss was no different from any other planet along the way...pretty much soloable. (class mission wise!)


Didn't need to group (most of the time I was there I was the one and only inhabitant on Voss anyway!) to beat the mobs/missions.


Just sayin'

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Have run through Voss twice now one for Sith Warrior and once for Inquisitor (Sorc). I was leveling as immortal Jugg so Voss was a pice of cake for me. Finished the planet at 47. My sorcorer was a different sotry. The calss quests were very challenging. I managed to finish them all in one try, but just barely. I had to have myself and Khem Val geared in all upgraded orange gear though, and was also about a level and a half above the cruve. Went into the final quests at 47 and still could not be the Sel Makor boss for the planet quest line till I was 50. Was a breeze then, had Talos in full cent gear and blasted him down.


I do think that some of those quests need to be evaluated based on the class. A heavy armor tank with multiple inturrpts is going to fare much better than a DPS with a pet tank in every occasion like this.

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I think this has nothing to do with it.


These areas just happen to be areas where the game challenges you with more advanced content. Up until these points it is fairly easy, but now and again it throws you a curveball. You either learn to adapt/get better or you dont.


It it wasnt tested properly and this was bad design it would be fights that where unwinable, but obviously you can beat them as many have.


The untested fights only happen in operations, right?

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not just voss are alot of areas where diffculty suddenly spikes for no reason, usually i play with a friend so i dont notice it BUT solo i've noticed it alot. I've said it before and i will say it again! gold elites have NO place in solo missions, often times have MASSIVE amounts of life, durability, and damage and depending on what it is often don't have tools to deal with it ESPECIALLY early on. Is very apparent in early korriban mission where you fight big worm, thing is a gold. Because have almost no defensive cooldowns, no companions, no buffs and only a piss poor stim 9/10 will die do to shotty rng where gold will dodge or resist your attacks 2-3 times in a row.


Solo content ment to be easy, not suppose to be hard, and no reason should ever cause this kind of annoyance. Now if was a level 50 solo content repeatable mission, or challenge mode i'm cool with that being hard or challenging! but considering our companions are pretty crappy at healing and tanking anyway... most of these golds require you to...


1: have a companion can heal, or tank but usually heal

2: have a good medipac on hand, talking 50% heal or better.

3: have defensive cooldowns, or healing and blow every single one of them

4: be a predetermined build that devs seem to think everyone is suppose to be playing.


Even with all of that going to end on very very very low hp... and have to recover afterwards then if your unlucky and dont get alot of medipacs end up running out before reach end of the zone. Pretty much i enjoy TOR but hitting these bosses where die 4-5 times in a row when your blowing every cooldown is annoying i just don't feel golds need to be inside of solo content like ever.


Great example is one bounty on belsavis on my BH, i dont even recall his name... but have these random bounties have to grab as you go through the area. Doing ok vs most of the golds, as pyro spec with enough procs i usually do insane damage output NOW one gold literally cuts my hp in half in less then 1-2 seconds, further more can ONLY interupt 2 attacks they have and requires you to blow your stun at right time. OH did i mention he's linked to 2 normal adds as well? so not only is he STUPIDLY tough...high damage, he has friends to!


case in point devs seriously need to go back through there game and look at general diffculty! going to be even worse in 1.2 with massive nerf to like every class.

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Solo content ment to be easy, not suppose to be hard


No it's supposed to be soloable. That means you can do it with out help. That doesn't mean it has to be easy, and it shouldn't always be easy.


most of these golds require you to...


I looked at your list, and have to say no, none of those things are required. On my guardian, with Kira as a DPS companion I might use one defensive cool down per elite, and that's it.

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Here are eleven simple steps for dealing with mobs on voss. Not this will not always work for all mobs but should help. Above all else do step nine regardless (well only if you really want too).

Step one: Identify The enemies type that place armor debuffs on you.

Step two: Before you attack a mob examine the mob looking for any enemies of the type that do debuffs, heals and so one.

Step three: Make these enemies with in the mob you whipping boy first.

Step four: After murdering these enemies look at the rest of the mob and give then a **** eating grin that says your mine while the blood from the enemy you just killed is on your face.

Step five: slaughter the remainder of the mob.

Step six: tea bag the corps of the debuff or heal enemies you killed first.

Step seven : wash the blood from your armor.

Step eight: Repeat steps 2 through 8 for all mobs, adjust when needed.

step nine: When all quest are done send me all the credits you have earn.

Step ten: realize steps 6, 7, and 9 are me just pulling your leg

Step eleven: If step 1 through 8 do not work for every mob make adjustments.

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If WoW players cant handle it then they can go back to WoW.


The progression is fine. It allows you to learn and develop into a better player.


Do you think just waltzing through the game with no challenge is really helping you?


They are going back-or haven't you noticed?


It's not fine-if things are 'easy' then players 'hit a brick wall' then something wasn't tuned properly.


Helping me how? Finish the story that Bioware crows about as the 4th pillar? Yes it would help me finish that story, as well as motivate to start another one.


If you mean help me "l2p" so I can raid with others, apparently the only thing holding players back is the bugs, not the bosses.


This is the same company that allows different difficulty levels in its single-player games so people that want to see the story unfold don't have to beat their heads against 'that one boss'. Odd that people would champion the idea of effectively playing an MMO on one of the hardest difficulty levels to 'make a better player out of people', as if it's some MMO boot camp that will reshape you into a lean, mean, gaming machine.

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I couldn't agree more. To many bosses on my way up I was able to tank and spank. This one and the area made me use new tactics.


If I wanted whack-a-mole PvE (not counting dungeons) I would go back to WoW.


So tank and spank is ok in dungeons but nowhere else? I assume you give them a pass because all Bioware has for bosses is tank and spank and enrage timers?


That's it-give mission bosses enrage timers to encourage players to squeeze out more dps!

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Lol indeed , even as i was 47 Voss was harder then anything else .

why , maybe because all those dots ?


Just did my story quests and skipped all the rest

and just moved on to Corellia .

Edited by Firak
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I agree. On my first time through I was very frustrated even though me and my companion had up to date gear as a Marauder I was getting rocked. My second time through the game I finished Belsavis and PvPed from 46-50. Definitely more fun.
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Keep it tough. If anything, toughen up all the planets.


I'm going to go with this. As well they should brutalize the death penalties in the old fashioned way. You die, so you wake up at the med center you bound to, across the planet, without a credit to your name, no gear, and no speeder. You better get to your body within 5 minutes or it all goes poof.

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