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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What will you do come 1.2 Patch


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Heh, first MMO kid?



What am I going to do in [insert MMO title here] if patch [insert patch number here] isn't absolutely flawless?



I'm going to crap a brick from the shock of seeing the first ever flawless patch for an MMORPG.


Yep, you caught me. First MMO and I am a kid. Just love trollers.


Let me explain how things work young one. Do you read some of the forum post about BUGS that make things not enjoyable for people to play.Im not talking about OP classes. As those can be fixed quickly. May take some time to balance out but can be toned down. Im takling about BUGS that makes the game UNPLAYABLE. Such as not getting credit for wins to complete dailies, about facing a team with an unfair advantage of 2 or more players on their team. People getting disconnected from the game. Going into Ilum only to find it unplayable because of SERVER LAG. What in the world do you think all this gets you? Here I will explain.


The revenue brought in from 2 million box sales would equal roughly 120 million ($60 per unit). If the game did cost the newly estimated 200 Million Dollars, the 1 million retained subscribers would need to play the game for approximately 6 months at $15 per month in order for the game to recoup its investment money.


So basically what that means , since I am sure I have to explain this to you, They have 6 months that they have to hope nobody quits the game. And because you have to WIN to complete your dailies to progress in PvP and get your gear, pisses a lot of people off to where they dont want to play. And just in the forums alone people are talking about letting their subscription to run out. Not to include those that done get on the forums, or cares to write in the forums because of trolls like you. The more Bioware is unable to fix quickly that makes the game unplayable, the more people will quit. Which will in turn take longer for them to even break even. And this dont even count for what they have to pay everybody to do the updates, and new content. If it gets to the point of it taking one year, I can almost guarentee they will write this game as a loss and spend most of their time working on a new game. This happens in a lot of games. But I am sure you know this because you have played a lot of MMO's.

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lol, nothing's flawless, the game's improving very well so far and as a comparison, I know 10+ year old games that are still receiving bug fixes, Diablo II is one, WoW is getting there.


I'll keep playing because I like the game even though I'm aware it's flawed like everything else in life.


Yes I know there are games, and always will be games with bugs. But at least they fix bugs, and new ones come up in new content. But at least they can prove they can fix the major ones.

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I had to quote this troll-shattering post. This is not talked about enough. TOR never was nor (hopefully) never will be PvP-centric. If PvP is your goal in this game then do us all a favor and unsub now. So you can quit QQing and BW can focus on the PvE, story-driven RPG aspect of this game.


Not being a jerk, just stating the facts. BW should have never put PvP in TOR at all. Not everything under the sun needs to cater to everyone. I see EA greedy hands all over this PvP nonsense.


Yep, I say take PvP completly out of the game. Lose half a million subscribers and cater to PVE. Which in turn they cater to the carebear PVE'rs, which will end up making the hardcore people quit. Then they lose another half a million subscribers and that will in turn make this game worthless for Bioware to update. Yep makes a lot of sense there.

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Fair enough. But if your goal (PvE enjoyment I assume) is affected negatively by the PvP QQers would you rather see it go? Because that is what will happen if the PvP kiddies get their way. Nerfs and changes that affect PvE in a bad way.


PVE kiddies don't whine, right?

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Yep, I say take PvP completly out of the game. Lose half a million subscribers and cater to PVE. Which in turn they cater to the carebear PVE'rs, which will end up making the hardcore people quit. Then they lose another half a million subscribers and that will in turn make this game worthless for Bioware to update. Yep makes a lot of sense there.


Yep other than the nonsense about millions of people leaving you are correct.

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So... there are PvP QQers and PvE carebears, if I'm reading this right...


Those who do both PvP and PvE are.. uh. CareQers? Am I doing this right?


Now, as a response to the OP: just keep on playing. Expecting a game that is less than 6 months old to be perfect is about as logical as expecting to survive a nice swim in a hydrofluoric acid-filled pool. Enjoy what's there, suggest fixes for the issues you find, and keep playing.



... this is a game, right? Not a lifestyle, career or religion?

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So... there are PvP QQers and PvE carebears, if I'm reading this right...


Those who do both PvP and PvE are.. uh. CareQers? Am I doing this right?


Now, as a response to the OP: just keep on playing. Expecting a game that is less than 6 months old to be perfect is about as logical as expecting to survive a nice swim in a hydrofluoric acid-filled pool. Enjoy what's there, suggest fixes for the issues you find, and keep playing.



... this is a game, right? Not a lifestyle, career or religion?


Wow, Finally, a first post that was worth reading. Not saying some of the others was not. But Majority wasnt. Yes I will keep playing. I will give it a patch or two after 1.2 and hope for the best for PvP. And dont get me wrong, for you PvE'rs as well. Just sucks you have to spend 5 hours to 6 hours just to get into ques and get your wins or suffer through lagfest in ilum if there is a lot of people there fighting. Hell, tab targeting somebody is tuff to do right now. Hopefully with they things they are saying about pvp thats coming with 1.2 also includes those two major fixes that needs to happen.

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The reason is because the content they are releasing now is something they've been working on since beta. They had plans to release it at such and such date planned long ago.


This really doesn't matter, they will always be making new content for the game, they will not stop making new content for the game while the servers are live. They have teams working on bugs, and they have teams working on new content and it will be like that for as long this game is alive.

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I don't think many people got into this game just for the pve or pvp in all fairness, but hardcore elite pvX'ers are obliviously blind and selfish to the game's needs as a whole as our friend just demonstrated. Oh btw, the new warzone disagrees with your opinions about pvp, and my pve routine is fine so far too. =p
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More dungeons and gear grind isn't new content, just more of the same. They could put everyone on bug and code fixes, and probably stumble on ways to add to and expand upon what's already there.


what would you implement as new content if you were a SWTOR dev?

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They should stop doing anything with PvP and fix PvE. This game is made for PvE. There are so many bugs in end game it makes it hard to keep playing. Sometimes you cant even progress. I do PvP sometimes for a change of pace, Im like Valor rank 30 something.


They need to just take PvP out completely until they figure out what to do with it, bc I agree PvP is a joke in this game. They will never do this bc PvPers are a loud minority and there will be endless crying.


Im sorry but..theres such servers called PvP servers and PvE servers...and... Im not going to bother arguing with you.

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I don't think many people got into this game just for the pve or pvp in all fairness, but hardcore elite pvX'ers are obliviously blind and selfish to the game's needs as a whole as our friend just demonstrated. Oh btw, the new warzone disagrees with your opinions about pvp, and my pve routine is fine so far too. =p


And you seriously think that a lot of the people left WoW or any other game for PvE in this game? Operations that could be pugged from the get go? I mean I can understand if you want to do PvE and have no problems breezing through it. A lot of people dont. Fact is, this game besides the bugs even brings nothing to the table that other MMO's dont. Well ok I lied, it brings a storyline. Which is great the first time you level.


Point is, I am just talking about bugs thats major for PvP and people quitting due to it. Fact is, there is a post About where do you see yourself in time with SWTOR. Almost every reply back is 1 to 3 months before quitting. This game is so behind the times of other MMO's. And yes I realize they shouldnt come out with everything at once. But when people are used to a certain way, they would expect it to be in a new game.


WoW didnt come out with all this stuff from the get go and they thought of new things to bring to the table. Bioware should be able to do the same thing. I mean a couple of examples are.


"This game can't handle more than 10 people in an area without convulsing. Have you looked at the speeders? Where's the night/day cycles? How about having NPCs that you know....do something? Can we get something besides wallpaper graphics? How about incredibly long load times? How about swimming? Ability delay? Is it me or does it look like my characters chest piece is smeared in mud? Where's the high res textures? Planets that are empty and lifeless? Why does my client freeze up when I open and close the character pane more than a couple of times? " ---- Was posted by another player and is absolutely correct.

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