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Sith Corruption with various races.


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Is there an actual lore reason why various races have different eye colors when Sith corruption kicks in? I was always under the impression that when attuned to the Dark Side one's eyes turn yellow. However with Rattataki and Twi'lek their eyes glow red in-game. Any reasons behind that?
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Correct me if I'm mistaked, but aren't the eyes red for all species, including pureblood?


For humans they're yellow, and in terms of lore they're supposed to be yellow. Darth Maul, Sidious, Anakin, all were yellow. So I guess I'm trying to figure out where red came from.

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Tier IV in dark side points looks very non-canonical in terms to other Star Wars content released in the past, where most Sith had eyes of sulfuric yellow.


Personally, I can't recall any character in the Star Wars universe immersed in the dark side as having glowing red eyes -- not even Palpatine, who's pretty much the equivalent of the devil.

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