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Seperate queues for PREMADES and RANDOMS, please.


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The Warzones was made better by giving the level 50s their own brackets.

However, there is one other issue that is as bad as Battlemaster geared lvl 50s fighting lowlevels, and thats premades vs randoms.

There is just no point trying to fight a group set up with healers/tanks/dps as randoms.


The queues should be seperate!

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While I agree with you on principle, I don't think you realize what doing this will do to low pop server queue times.


low population servers are completely different problem on it's own.


You shouldnt mix problems, you should solve them separately.


The servers need to be merged, free transfer should be given to players.

The low population servers are horrible to play on in all aspects.

Edited by Piriste
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low population servers are completely different problem on it's own.


You shouldnt mix problems, you should solve them separately.


The servers need to be merged, free transfer should be given to players.

The low population servers are horrible to play on in all aspects.


Well, its a separate problem, but one that will directly affect this change. No ones mixing problems, but the low pop problem is going to affect the seperate queue for premades, and cause an entirely new problem.


The solutions for low pop servers are irrelevant, and not the topic at hand. The topic is separate queues for premades, and this will cause horribly long queues on low pop servers... period.

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The solutions for low pop servers are irrelevant, and not the topic at hand. The topic is separate queues for premades, and this will cause horribly long queues on low pop servers... period.


Yes, my point was that they should fix BOTH problems instead of letting things be like they are now.


Mixing premades with solo queues is horrible. The point is not to faceroll people. The point of premades is to provide people who want challenge with coordinated team oriented pvp.

Edited by Piriste
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op is completely right there is nothing more frustrating then being put up against a premade team over and over again, im not a amazing pvp player but im not a bad one there is just no way to compete with a team that knows before the game starts how there going to work together
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Yes, my point was that they should fix BOTH problems instead of letting things be like they are now.


Mixing premades with solo queues is horrible. The point is not to faceroll people. The point of premades is to provide people who want challenge with coordinated team oriented pvp.


Well obviously they should fix both problems. I mean.. they should fix every single problem that exists. But as it stands currently, separating the queues for premades will ruin queue times on low pop servers. I agree that they should eventually do what OP wants, but they definitely shouldn't do that now.


And i'm gonna be honest with you. The point of 90% of premades you see is to steamroll pugs to get easy wins.

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The Warzones was made better by giving the level 50s their own brackets.

However, there is one other issue that is as bad as Battlemaster geared lvl 50s fighting lowlevels, and thats premades vs randoms.

There is just no point trying to fight a group set up with healers/tanks/dps as randoms.


The queues should be seperate!


why? i enjoy ripping through all these bad premades. very rarely u see one that actually knows what they are doing and if ur randoms are not completely utter garbage u can win vs them too. ill admit alot of times the randoms are completely utter garbage but even then u can have some fun by picking some guy in the premade like f.e. the healer and kill him over and over and over again :D

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why? i enjoy ripping through all these bad premades. very rarely u see one that actually knows what they are doing and if ur randoms are not completely utter garbage u can win vs them too. ill admit alot of times the randoms are completely utter garbage but even then u can have some fun by picking some guy in the premade like f.e. the healer and kill him over and over and over again :D


The randoms I've been in today couldn't win against drunk chimpanzee clickers. In fact, I'm pretty sure some of them were drunk chimpanzee clickers.

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