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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The State of Melee


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  • 5 months later...

I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.


I have spent some quality time with my Sentinel in PvP, somewhere near Valour rank 60 now.


I have full augmented BM gear, with an augmented WH main saber.

My current method is sneak around the fringes of the battle, trying to pick off stray casters. Even then, I spend the majority of my PvP time rooted, stunned, slowed, knocked back, and dead. Resolve is a useless mechanic for a Sentinel, as I never live long enough to see the resolve bar fill up.

Gap closers are a joke. As soon as I get on top of a target, they either knock me back, or just stun me and kill me right then and there.

For stuns I get Stasis (during which I'm casting, so I can't attack the target), and Awe (which breaks on damage). So, not useful for DPS-ing anyway.


My typical 1v1 vs ranged goes like this:

- I jump to close the gap.

- I get stunned.

- I don't use my stun breaker, since it's already on its (ridiculously long) CD.

- My opponent does their high-damage moves, knocking off about half my health.

- I use Force camouflage once the stun has ended.

- I run scared towards the nearest health power-up, with a DoT ticking on me.

- I get rooted or grappled as my Camo ends.

- My opponent takes the kill from range, having taken very little damage.


Now, this is a slight exaggeration, but it happens more often than I'd like.

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I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.


I have spent some quality time with my Sentinel in PvP, somewhere near Valour rank 60 now.


I have full augmented BM gear, with an augmented WH main saber.

My current method is sneak around the fringes of the battle, trying to pick off stray casters. Even then, I spend the majority of my PvP time rooted, stunned, slowed, knocked back, and dead. Resolve is a useless mechanic for a Sentinel, as I never live long enough to see the resolve bar fill up.

Gap closers are a joke. As soon as I get on top of a target, they either knock me back, or just stun me and kill me right then and there.

For stuns I get Stasis (during which I'm casting, so I can't attack the target), and Awe (which breaks on damage). So, not useful for DPS-ing anyway.


My typical 1v1 vs ranged goes like this:

- I jump to close the gap.

- I get stunned.

- I don't use my stun breaker, since it's already on its (ridiculously long) CD.

- My opponent does their high-damage moves, knocking off about half my health.

- I use Force camouflage once the stun has ended.

- I run scared towards the nearest health power-up, with a DoT ticking on me.

- I get rooted or grappled as my Camo ends.

- My opponent takes the kill from range, having taken very little damage.


Now, this is a slight exaggeration, but it happens more often than I'd like.



this was made way back when sorcs and mercs more or less ruled pvp. Here's a piece of advice for you. Camo to your target instead of jumping to them. They will proceed to knock back and stun. Use your stun break (you'll be at full resolve) jump and proceed to destroy them.


The only warrior spec that has a right to use force jump as a gap closer without first wasting the knockback is vengeance for the juggernaut since they get immunity to cc on jump.

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this was made way back when sorcs and mercs more or less ruled pvp. Here's a piece of advice for you. Camo to your target instead of jumping to them. They will proceed to knock back and stun. Use your stun break (you'll be at full resolve) jump and proceed to destroy them.


The only warrior spec that has a right to use force jump as a gap closer without first wasting the knockback is vengeance for the juggernaut since they get immunity to cc on jump.


Sweet, thanks for the advice.

I have noticed that Camo works well as a gap closer, not only as an escape mechanism.

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Many opinions, none fact.


My opinion: I have played both melee(marauder) and ranged (sorc) in raids and pvp. Both top geared (BH Campaign only)


Both classes require you to think. They are different, as they should be. Melee is no harder then ranged in order to play. The difference comes in the person. For your typical dps player, I find that usually they are stunned or entranced by the amount of damage they do and continuing to put those numbers out because they feel that is their role and they have to maximize it. Unfortunately for these people, they are only thinking within 1 very small box (sadly, this includes the OP).


If you want to play melee effectively, know what your role is. If you are a marauder, guess what - your damage will always be good. If its not good - look in the mirror, therein lies your problem. Marauders have the BEST group buffs of all dps classes. The fact that you have 3 choices on what to spend fury on and 2/3 of those are raid related buffs that are SIGNIFICANT, shows that they are there for more than waving their lightsabers around and getting cleaved.




Movement is NOT your enemy. Just because you have to move, does not mean you have to do nothing. And just because you are ranged, doesn't mean you never have to move. Movement is more of a problem for ranged than it is for melee because melee attacks are instant - you click, it happens. Ranged have many channels and cast times. If a lightning sorc starts casting a light strike or CD or channel FL and a red circled appears 80% into it... guess what... thats a bigger dps drop then a marauder having to move behind a boss when he is going to cleave or interupt something that could kill him (because interupts are off GCD).


Your uptime on a boss is based on how much time YOU choose to evade. If you spent the minimum time to evade and continue dps, you WILL be competative on dps compared to others - and again, if you're not- look in the mirror.


Please stop making blanket statements and act like everyone has the same experiences.

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Many opinions, none fact.


My opinion: I have played both melee(marauder) and ranged (sorc) in raids and pvp. Both top geared (BH Campaign only)


Both classes require you to think. They are different, as they should be. Melee is no harder then ranged in order to play. The difference comes in the person. For your typical dps player, I find that usually they are stunned or entranced by the amount of damage they do and continuing to put those numbers out because they feel that is their role and they have to maximize it. Unfortunately for these people, they are only thinking within 1 very small box (sadly, this includes the OP).


If you want to play melee effectively, know what your role is. If you are a marauder, guess what - your damage will always be good. If its not good - look in the mirror, therein lies your problem. Marauders have the BEST group buffs of all dps classes. The fact that you have 3 choices on what to spend fury on and 2/3 of those are raid related buffs that are SIGNIFICANT, shows that they are there for more than waving their lightsabers around and getting cleaved.




Movement is NOT your enemy. Just because you have to move, does not mean you have to do nothing. And just because you are ranged, doesn't mean you never have to move. Movement is more of a problem for ranged than it is for melee because melee attacks are instant - you click, it happens. Ranged have many channels and cast times. If a lightning sorc starts casting a light strike or CD or channel FL and a red circled appears 80% into it... guess what... thats a bigger dps drop then a marauder having to move behind a boss when he is going to cleave or interupt something that could kill him (because interupts are off GCD).


Your uptime on a boss is based on how much time YOU choose to evade. If you spent the minimum time to evade and continue dps, you WILL be competative on dps compared to others - and again, if you're not- look in the mirror.


Please stop making blanket statements and act like everyone has the same experiences.


once again, this was made at the start of the game when sorcs and arsenal mercenary were outperforming just about everyone and their mothers combined. That has been changed now.

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