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Can my Knight actually read?


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It seems like we have a pretty good sense of how the Force Sight power works from KotOR II. When you activated it, or went first-person on Kreia or Visas, the game sort of stripped out all the textures and left only meshes. It seems like the idea was to show shapes, so I assume that a more powerful engine would also have preserved bump/normal maps, but still no textures.


Words on a page or painted on a wall are textures. They have no thickness. And since metal and wood and plastic all show up as the same blank white when you use the Force Sight power, I think it's fair to conclude that the "color" of an object to a miraluka is based not on its composition, but entirely on how strong it is in the Force; and mundane ink and paint are unlikely to be different in "strength in the Force" from mundane paper or stone. Pixels on a screen are even worse.


Now, wall carvings and neon light fixtures a miraluka can doubtlessly parse just fine, because those have actual three-dimensional shape. But when my Knight is cheerfully slicing computers... how is she able to tell what she's doing or read the data off the screen that she's uncovered?

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