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Bonus wave!!!!


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Twas the time before launch and all through the halls,

Not a dev was stirring not even the odd balls.

The pre-orders were placed, late, yes but still there,

In hopes that early access soon could be theirs!


The gamers were nestled all warm in their chairs,

with visions of lightsabers dancing in pairs.

And jedi in green and sith in red,

have just settled in for many hours of bloodshed!


When out from the server room came such a clatter,

Mr Reid jumped from his bar stool to see what was the matter.

Away from his whiskey he flew like a flash,

Tore open the case with a loud gasp.


The servers lit up with an odd blue glow,

and a rushing sound came up from below.

When what to his wondering eye would appear,

but a giant BONUS and a WAVE to its rear.



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just give us a bonus wave cmon. think about it like this, if u do it today then you wont have to do it tommorow! you might even be able to spend the time that you were going to be spending tommorow doing the finals waves havin a xmas lunch perhaps maybe even take your kids to the park?


just give us the wave




Take your kids to the park at midnight, What madness is this ?

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Read the writing.


Relax, cook tomorrow's breakfast early, vacuum, dust. You know you'll get in tomorrow, so just prepare for it.





i scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVEi scream you scream we all scream for BONUS WAVE

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They already said it's not gonna happen in the official wave thread because there are too many recently purchased pre-orders to get in.


NEVER have I seen a dev say that something is not going to happen, and then have a change of heart.


Vice versa, frequently, sure.


Translation: Bonus Wave!

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I'm a december 10th order.. can we seriously not wait until tomorrow? I mean I would love a bonus wave to up my chances of getting in tonight.


I encourage this thread, and may the force be with it so that it does not receive an arrow to the knee.

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The question I know a lot of you have is, why haven't we yet invited those who redeemed very recently? The answer is because of the volume of recent pre-orders that have been redeemed, which is spiking up very high. So, a lot of people have redeemed in a short period of time. Essentially we're in the same place we were on the 13th, where we invited a lot of people, but most had redeemed in the same short period of time.


TL;DR - We've seen a LOT of pre-orders redeemed in the last couple of weeks, and that means that even though we're really close (in date terms) to getting everyone in, we couldn't quite do it today.


Tomorrow's invite waves start at 8AM CST, and I'll start another thread then to track progress.


Bogus Wave :(

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