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Does it get better?


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You dpnt don't DON'T need to use every single ability. I make a simple row of my 'best' abilities, (make changes as they come) and my second row of my 'best' situational abilities.


I'm having a blast. Am I less omgbbquber because I don't use every little ability in my arsenal? Probably, but I'm having fun leveling without letting myself be overwhelmed, which is more than some can say.



Had the same issue with my Assassin. Then I realized I didn't need to use every single ability to be viable. Just find an attack/proc string you like and run with it.



Like the guy above me said, commendations are your friend. So is orange gear, get some you won't get sick of looking at. (tatooine has a sweet orange armor with a cloak for comms) Then just swap out upgrades, or buy some off GTN.


It really is a lot of fun. Don't get overwhelmed.

Edited by maxetius
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I see those moddable lower skirts all the time in GTN.


There is also a repeatable heroic quest on Nar Shadaa i think that gives a red lower skirt.




I am a clicker and am thoroughly enjoying my Annihilation Marauder.


....I just wish there was a medium armour moddable lower robe I could purchase somewhere - I hate the way he looks in pants :(

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I was having trouble with my sentinel at first and I was trying to spec watchman/annihilation. I had trouble leveling and it was because I thought you should get the few skills in the other trees that you wanted and then level up the main tree. But once I respeced all my talents into watchman and I got overload saber and the other skills that boosted DoTs leveling became a whole lot easier. I was even able to solo a number of 2+ heroics. So make sure you focus on your main tree first then put skills in the others later. Also use t7 over kira he is a good tank.
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