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Carnage Vs Annihilation


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I can say right now that after the initial warmup/first few Deadly Sabers I do I only glance at bars to watch cooldowns. If you need to be constantly staring at your bars/buffs/your targets debuffs so be it, but it isn't required and is more than likely a skill hump you'll just need to pass over.


This. But I think eventually bioware are going to Understand that the ui is terrible. When they do hopefully they will add a visual queue type feature to the game (power auras from wow). That way we can look forward and now down at our bars.


Hopefully they add macros aswell. Could easily get rid of a few keybinds by tieing vicious throw to deadly throw. And charge to battering assault. You could also tie that strike that ignores global cool down (forget its name) to all of your abilities.

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Thanks for the replies, I honestly didn't know Carnage was lacking that much. I feel stupid for playing and defending the spec now, haha. I guess it's time to get used to Annihilation. Speaking of, why does the ability cost so much rage!?


If your talking about annihilate then the reason it costs so much is because it hits like a truck.


Rage won't be a concern in annihilation if you pickup the first talent in carnage that generates rage when you get hit with cloak of pain on.


Sometimes I have more rage than I can spend.

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Well it's not deadly saber I worry about. It's fine. It's the blasted Rupture coming off cool down from visious slash, (which I reliaze that Annihi will be a half the time it works, half the time it dosen't) That being said, I don't literally stare at the bar all the time. But anyone knows if you look up and said skill is off cool down, that was a second or two you skipped it. I'm sure it'll play better at 50 versus 32.



As well, Thanks for the guides.


My Marauder is 37, using Annihilation, and I find I need to keep an eye on the bars a reasonable amount but I'm getting better at it with practice and it doesn't seem to impede me too much.


On the subject of Rupture's coming off cooldown, I noticed there's actually a distinct noise for it when that triggers, so that helps, at least in PVE when there's less to keep up with.


Overall, I'd be curious to try Carnage but even at this point I don't see how it could stack up to the fun, the pace, and the damage of Annihilation.

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@ Oofthka - based on your experience, which one would you start out with? keep in mind that for me, as long as i can kill the mobs and move on with little frustration, the flow of combat is more important to me. I'll be leveling with vette too. went with quinn on my jugg, and hes become somewhat stale, so i want to enjoy the vette story from the start with my maurader. which one would be a good balance for that?


i leveled with Annihilation spec and switched to Carnage after i hit 50. The lvl 50 mobs i have seen that Annihilation spec is better when going with Vette because you can possibly get more heals with your crit bleed effects which later leads to faster movement between mobs (this is only useful when fighting any mob above weak). the fights are slightly quicker with Carnage spec because you initially hit harder and go through armor with the extra accuracy above 100%. If you find yourself in need of more heals and don't wanna use a medpack i would say go Annihilation till you reach 40ish, then switch to Carnage if you want to try something different. i personally found maintaining the bleed buff monotonous in Annihilation which is why i switched at the end to Carnage.


Hope this helps

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Buff force screams damage 30%, make it aoe all targets in a cone for 50% reduced damage and make it snare as well. Make ataru procs not suck. Make ravage uninterruptable and root in all specs. Change overwhelm to add critical strike chance of ravage and massacre. Make gore last for next 3 attacks instead of 6 seconds.

Make it happen.



Oh, yeah. The acrobatic stuff. Make ataru form reverse grip and add some fancy stuff.




It helps to be logical and realistic when asking for buffs.


A 30% buff on screams damage would be out of control.


I do agree that ravage needs to root in all spec (not sure why you posted it here because it doesn't really buff Carnage or Annihilation specifically).


Personally I think they should make gore a proc that is activated from Deadly Throw and buff Massacre damage to be far above VS, take off the automatic Ataru proc, and make the %chance of an an Ataru proc after Massacre 50%.

Edited by Ultratron
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