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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Bug] Seeing "(Tython O)" after a player name in chat


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For the second time in a week or so, I have been in chat and seen a location and "O" in parentheses after a player's name in chat. In other words, its like


(1 - General) [Rollo] (Hutta O): Need healer for an encounter


Today it happened in Guild chat on Tython, and here is a screenshot:


Nobody else seems to see the extra string but me. Only one player at a time seems to generate the extra string, i.e., others can talk in channel and it looks normal.


If you need more info, message me.

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OK, so some mod booted this off the PTS forum even though PTS is where I saw it... but now I am seeing it again with two toons IN THE SAME INSTANCE standing in front of each other. How do you get a (Republic Fleet 0) in that case?


It doesn't make sense, so back to /bug we go.

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Did you open a ticket in game? That is much more effective than posting something on the forums.


Oh yes, believe me, I would never willingly start a thread in General :) - it got kicked here by some PTS Forum mod for reasons beyond my pay grade. I do have a ticket in game.

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