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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion - A Simple Way to Fix Ilum


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Thread necro... woooo! In light of the guild summit, what do you think of this idea?


Here's a bit of something I'd like to also see: a larger-scale campaign, where there would be several smaller maps than Ilum, with the front line of the campaign would move from one map to another based on a control mechanic. Perhaps have several small objectives on a map which have to all be captured to move the front line to the next area, after which the previous area becomes secured by lots of purple-con keep guards... :wea_12:


And relics. Let's have relics, too.

Edited by svartalfimposter
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I will add


0) Faction communication.


First off you need cross server faction communication so you can pull everyone together. As a side note that makes grouping far easier for PvE.



1) Reasons to be in the open world.


You need people out in the world, maybe gathering rare resources, grinding PvE towards better gear, you need long term goals for people to be out there.



2) One-on-one PvP


You need to have people spread out in different locations so that those looking for one-on-one pvp can find them without finding a zerg.



3) Incentives for one-on-one pvp


In addition to team kills you need incentives for 'soloing' a combatant from full health, keep track of that because it is a players biggest bragging rights and deserves the best titles and cosmetic gear.



4) Faction action


Perhaps every one or two hours have a specific objective become vulnerable. Allow a faction to zerg the objective but provide the defenders with npcs - Yoda or Darth Sidius (or equiv) to help the outnumbered defenders creating a more balanced faction war. The fewer the defenders, the more powerful the NPC. Of course advantage to the greater numbers but let it be a decent fight allowing an outnumbered faction to gain valor.



5) Not valor


Of course you need to create a new system for new rewards. Open world pvp and warzone pvp should not be the same.



6) PvP while leveling


Open World PvP while leveling is fun. Create some new quests with high incentive rewards that put the players into the same zone as the other faction.



7) Travel


Make travelling between these new 50 zones and fleet quick and easy. There is no reason at all to make travel painful.

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Travel could be speed up by creating some sort of autoque, like the wz but for the 50 zones. Could call it something like emergency shuttle or something like that.


Couldn't agree more ... traveling in this game is a joke.


That being said: Warhammers implementation of the "get to the action", on login (or once an evening), is with out a doubt one of the smartest things they did to make that game as fun as it was.

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