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epic fail launch


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1+ hour in queue > 9000 error > sorry, there are 1000 waiting.



and this is happening to everyone, complete BS!

Epic fail guys! havent seen a launch as bad as this one, the client isnt stable enough to deal with queues at all at this point.. way too much errors and disconnects = back in line..




You dont like it, dont play

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people...december 7th...just over 1 week ago, and those people are allowed to be playing, if you waited til later, to redeem your code (which it wasn't clear you needed to do anyway) you're SOL.


You should have learned from the epic failure that was day 1 of this nonsense instead of extending it for 4 days.


I would think that other developers and game companies are thinking how can we make as much money as Bioware/EA.


I would have to think that you are too young to be using the words illegal and consumer rights. Those two words do not apply at all in anything Bioware has done with this launch.

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lol Zero problems here.


1. Ordered CE on 7/21/11 around 11am EST.

2. Got in the game at 7:05AM on 12/13/11.

3. Got both my names Pantera and Omen.

4. My CE from Amazon will be here 12/16/11.

5. My GF has giant bewbs.


Each and every one of you had the same chances I did. If you're having probs, it's probably your OWN fault.


Welcome to life my friends.


number 5 made me lol 4 realz

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Yep yep, epic failure, in fact it's quite possibly illegal the way they've done a priority launch like this. They call it waves, it is in fact a priority launch. The fact that they claimed up to 5 days is something that could be problematic, but the truth of the matter is, this is verging on illegal based on consumer rights.


Which laws and regulations are you referring to exactly? So far I see no grounds for a case.


Nothing will come of it, but everyone else in the development community is laughing at this game right now learning from their massive, massive mistake.


Perhaps you would care to provide links to the posts in the 'development community'. I'm sure we'd all enjoy seeing a different perspective on this.


You do this staggered launch to make it sort of a slow steady rise in population, then you still get hit with massive queues, and errors tossing you to the back of queues, or the fact that you arbitrarily decide to discontinue rolling out more waves of people


Logically this doesn't hold up. They do a staggered launch so they can try to adapt to issues as they arise. If they run into issues the most logical thing to do is halt adding new waves while it is resolved. There would be nothing arbitrary about the decision, if it is taken.

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You dont like it, dont play


What a ******** comment.


"oh you pay 5 or 50 or 80 Euro's for a game and can't actually get on while you received an invite that you can come play the game you *********** paid for, don't play, we'll just take your money"

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No problems or delays on my server, so it's not universal. They have three maintenance period scheduled. I expect they wil be addressing this.


And no matter how many times people claim that the game has launched, they are wrong. The eeason they are wrong is because BioWare don't consider it to be the official launch and they are the people who count.



Really Bioware do not consider it launch even though over 50 hours ago the Bioware founders posted that it was and wished us well ? But hey, I am sure YOU are right and thy are wrong, after all it's only their game, what the hell would they know... right ? http://www.swtor.com/blog/welcome-star-wars-old-republic


How about instead of making things up you stick to facts, stops you looking such a........

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Epic fail post. The game hasn't launched yet. Derp. Go back to school little kid.


It has launched, you derp......That bioware says it launches the 20th, still does not change the FACT that the servers have launched and are live.


Learn to look at facts, and stop listening to propaganda.

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1+ hour in queue > 9000 error > sorry, there are 1000 waiting.



and this is happening to everyone, complete BS!

Epic fail guys! havent seen a launch as bad as this one, the client isnt stable enough to deal with queues at all at this point.. way too much errors and disconnects = back in line..




You logic astounds and amazes. You are the prophet and I would like to prescribe to your cult.


I would mention the arrow in your knee but that might be going overboard.

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1+ hour in queue > 9000 error > sorry, there are 1000 waiting.



and this is happening to everyone, complete BS!

Epic fail guys! havent seen a launch as bad as this one, the client isnt stable enough to deal with queues at all at this point.. way too much errors and disconnects = back in line..




Incorrect. It hasn't happened to me. Therefore it has not happened to everyone.

No queue, no errors. So far this launch has been flawless for me, and everyone in my guild. Not even any lag.

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