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To Bioware "Accuracy"


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I look at Accuracy as a PvE stat more than PvP..


That's probably the wrong thinking there but,


Accuracy (Mobs) - Expertise (Players)..


I've never seen accuracy stacked and then used in PvE to really see how much the increases improves damage and defense.

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I look at Accuracy as a PvE stat more than PvP..


That's probably the wrong thinking there but,


Accuracy (Mobs) - Expertise (Players)..


I've never seen accuracy stacked and then used in PvE to really see how much the increases improves damage and defense.


Accuracy is on most if not all DPS PvP gear. To be fair however, all the metrics I've seen indicate that it's much more useful in PvP because all players naturally have 5% defenses so a baseline accuracy of 105% is necessary to overcome it. The only PvEers I know missing at any given time are Sentinels/Marauders with their offhands. Everyone else just rails on abilities the whole time and the lost DPS from your basic attack is so low that missing with it is a moot point.

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