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Tracer missile is still here


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tracer misisle is still here, after so much time since release....


Dude, use your head. Mercs and Sorcerers are 60-80% of the player base right now on most servers. Those two classes are absolutely safe. Do you really think Bioware is going to nerf second most played class in the whole game?! And risk losing a ton of subs? If anything, they will buff them some more. Mercs have been asking for an interrupt. They might just get it!


Sure it'll piss off the remaining 20-30% of the player base, who will whine and moan. But how many of them will actually quit over it? 5%? Less? If that. And some of them will reroll Mercs instead of quitting. But why would BW care about that? You reroll a Merc, you're still paying them the monthly fee.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss potential changes to the Tracer Missle ability and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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