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Operative leveling


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I'm currently level 29, and havent really logged into my operative for a while... I didnt figure out why until today.


Theres no fun in operative leveling, perhaps im doing it wrong so im here for advice i guess. I've gone healing spec operative, despite reading many threads here about how lackluster it is (ive already got a 50 sage healer, so didnt wanna go sorc healer too)


I find in every fight, i just crouch and snipe, and snipe, and snipe again while kaliyo kills things for me. If its a group ill throw a nade, or a strong/elite ill use the explosive probe, but 90% of the time its just hitting crouch and then sniping over and over.


Is there something that makes it more fun later on down the track or is this as exciting as it gets? I love healing in heroics and stuff with the operative, its a challenge, but leveling just makes me wanna reroll to something else :/

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My Operative is level 31, currently. 90%+ of the time, I am stealthing and stabbing the crap out of my enemies. If I wanted to snipe things from afar, I'd have rolled a Sniper. You do FAR more damage as an Op playing as a melee character than as a gimped ranged one. Get yourself a good knife and plant it firmly between the ribs of as many enemies as you possibly can.
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My Operative is level 31, currently. 90%+ of the time, I am stealthing and stabbing the crap out of my enemies. If I wanted to snipe things from afar, I'd have rolled a Sniper. You do FAR more damage as an Op playing as a melee character than as a gimped ranged one. Get yourself a good knife and plant it firmly between the ribs of as many enemies as you possibly can.


Will try that! I was thinking that if i wanted to be a sniper i'd have chosen that for my AC


is either of the melee talent trees good? Ive read alot of ************ on the forums about it, though i often find that exadurated to say the least.

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Will try that! I was thinking that if i wanted to be a sniper i'd have chosen that for my AC


is either of the melee talent trees good? Ive read alot of ************ on the forums about it, though i often find that exadurated to say the least.


medic option at 29



backstab,shiv overload/grenade sleep dart the elite for killing last juggle kaliyo between aoe active(trash packs) disabling her 2 aoe's for packs with elites. engaging from stealth.


conceal option -


adds laceration to above attack after shiv same rules apply, it's a DPS kill race with you able to heal your tank kaliyo.


Keep Kaliyo geared.


basically killing aoe trash use your AOE moves and kaliyo uses her trash dead quick.


elite + trash burn down trash with elite sleep darted heal up if necessary drop elite.


as you get the attacks that are conditional on a disabled mob thats from stun sleep dart flash grenade.

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dps >>>>> tank >> healer


It takes tanks and healers forever to kill anything. Healers, give me a break, are just healing their pet praying they don't run out of mana.


I'm upto 29 also playing concealment, and to be honest, I skip all trash when doing my quests unless I starting to get a few level under the quest. Grind farming is boring as crap. I generally rather flashpoint or pvp than kill 20 bunny rabbits for the bunny lord or whatever harvest quest. Granted you will not find a flashpoint at 29 even on high pop servers.


So I guess pick your nose while in the pvp queue and hope you don't get matched against a bunch of teamers. :eek:


I hear a spec like this is best for pve leveling. I am yet to try it, but will probably get around to it soon. Just keep going dps after this. It lets you keep Kaliyo alive in boss fights, and still have pretty good dps for cleaning up the junk.




I think this is the concealment spec I have now..




Good luck!

Edited by finetop
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@ arrys why skip infiltrator for lvling? You spend so much time running places and btw mobvs that i would take a speed increase anyday over a few extra hp. esp since we can heal or pop a medpack


Infiltrator does not stack with sprint. Unlike sprint, however, it works in combat.

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Pretty sure it does stack with sprint. If you go in combat while stealthed (say a party member solo's something close to you) your movement speed will drop until the enemy is dead.


Also out of combat you'll move the same speed as teammates that are unstealthed (actually a tiny bit slower) but only if you have both sprint and infiltrator.

Edited by Selais
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@ arrys why skip infiltrator for lvling? You spend so much time running places and btw mobvs that i would take a speed increase anyday over a few extra hp. esp since we can heal or pop a medpack


Well I don't do alot of stealth movement over long distance, most times I can slip out of the los and stay unstealthed or do the short stealth run through the barrier cluster.

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