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Juggernaut or Marauder?


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^this guy knows what he's talking aboutt. Trust me I have a rank 72 jugg.


In pvp, marauders are THE BEST 1v1 class because of their insane defensive cool downs. An anni specced marauder will easily outstrip the dps of a jugg(whether vengeance or rage) and is also more survivable than dps specced juggs.


If you want to feel like a god in pvp, roll marauder and go anni spec. You will melt people, and if you juggle your cool downs right and pop a vanish or speed burst when you're outmatched, you simply will not die. Note though that this comes with a big disclaimer, as a marauder you will feel weak as **** when you're a lowbie in pvp(as you havent got all your cooldowns yet). The marauder is also quite gear dependent, but then again so is the jugg.


I have a gearset that is a mix of heavily modified rakata and bm items which took me a while to assemble and I'm pretty proud of it. I can crush every other class with ease except other juggs and dps powertechs(which btw is a very underrated class). But when I see one of the geared marauders/sents on my server coming my way I immediately mez/push him and charge or intercede away like a *****. They're just that scary at high lvls.


Of course all that being said I do enjoy my jugg as I feel quite awesome flying through the air in huttball. You can jump 3 times in a row on occasion, intercede, charge, force push, charge, which is quite possibly the best feeling in the game when you can pull it off and score. And if you have a pocket healer, you can become quite unstoppable with the guard ability.


As for looks I think both rakata sets look pretty ugly, with the gigantic gargoyle helms. Bm gear for juggs is purple, which I hate. Pvp gear for marauders has a hood if you choose to hide helm in options, which I think is quite cool looking if you're in to hoods. But since bioware has said that armorings can be taken out of all gear in future updates, I wouldn't worry too much about the way your character looks for now.


i play a 50 jugg vengeance spec.. and i wreck literally wreck mara's if... i get the force charge on them..

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i play a 50 jugg vengeance spec.. and i wreck literally wreck mara's if... i get the force charge on them..


I knew someone would post something like this, so let me break it down for you,


Assuming an equal lvl of gear, as a vengeance spec jugg you would have roughly 10% more dr from armor(in shien or shi cho form) as compared to a mara (complete tier 3 for both). You have one good defensive cooldown, saber ward, which the mara also has. He can pop saber ward and cloak of pain which increases his dr by 45% which mitigates your inherently higher dr.


So since you mention you got the charge on him, you start with the upper hand, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you initially out damage the marauder even if he pops those two abilities. But then again that's not all the mara has up his sleeve, he also has obfuscate which reduces your accuracy by 90%, which cuts your damage as a vengeance jugg effectively in half.


In this scenario with both of you having all your cool-downs, I find it very hard to believe you can reduce his hp as fast as he can yours. Even assuming you can, the marauder has one last trick up his sleeve, what I like to call the 'win' button: Undying Rage - at the cost of half his remaining hp the mara gains 99% damage reduction(a *********** god mode) for 5 secs. At this point you're dead.


But now, you say, that wont happen in warzones cos you probably won't have all your cooldowns. This is true, but I'd like to point out that saber ward is on a 3 min timer while COA and obfuscate are both at 1 min and god mode is at 90secs.


If you "literally wreck" maras it's because either A) you out gear them or B) they suck.


There is an option C) of cos, in which you are so damn good at pvp that you can manage a maras cooldowns (such as mezing him when he pops undying rage or choking him etc.) perfectly. But I doubt you can do it every fight in a chaotic warzone.


Simply put, a mara kills a jugg the same way he kills everything else. For a jugg( or anything else for that matter) to kill a mara, you NEED to understand maras defensive abilities, and know when to cc him. Which sounds easy but can be tricky in a fast paced battle with random factors like idiotic scrubs breaking your cc.


In an isolated environment like in the open world sure I'll pit myself against a mara. Usually I choke him when he saber wards to shock him into using his cc break (which he won't if he's any good) which allows me to use my aoe mez(8 secs) to tide away the undying rage he'll inevitably pop later in the fight. But in a warzone it's just too much hassle, there are better objective based things I could be doing than trying to handle a mara(unless he's a fresh 50, god I love freshies).


All that aside, just remember that if you're just about to kill a mara, he could just pop force camo and it's bye bye sucker. Failing that there's also predation which is an awesome speed boost.

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^this guy knows what he's talking aboutt. Trust me I have a rank 72 jugg.


In pvp, marauders are THE BEST 1v1 class because of their insane defensive cool downs. An anni specced marauder will easily outstrip the dps of a jugg(whether vengeance or rage) and is also more survivable than dps specced juggs.


If you want to feel like a god in pvp, roll marauder and go anni spec. You will melt people, and if you juggle your cool downs right and pop a vanish or speed burst when you're outmatched, you simply will not die. Note though that this comes with a big disclaimer, as a marauder you will feel weak as **** when you're a lowbie in pvp(as you havent got all your cooldowns yet). The marauder is also quite gear dependent, but then again so is the jugg.


I have a gearset that is a mix of heavily modified rakata and bm items which took me a while to assemble and I'm pretty proud of it. I can crush every other class with ease except other juggs and dps powertechs(which btw is a very underrated class). But when I see one of the geared marauders/sents on my server coming my way I immediately mez/push him and charge or intercede away like a *****. They're just that scary at high lvls.


Of course all that being said I do enjoy my jugg as I feel quite awesome flying through the air in huttball. You can jump 3 times in a row on occasion, intercede, charge, force push, charge, which is quite possibly the best feeling in the game when you can pull it off and score. And if you have a pocket healer, you can become quite unstoppable with the guard ability.


As for looks I think both rakata sets look pretty ugly, with the gigantic gargoyle helms. Bm gear for juggs is purple, which I hate. Pvp gear for marauders has a hood if you choose to hide helm in options, which I think is quite cool looking if you're in to hoods. But since bioware has said that armorings can be taken out of all gear in future updates, I wouldn't worry too much about the way your character looks for now.


1st off let me say neither one of you know what you are talking about...


Marauder is a finesse class, which means you have to know when to use what skill.. its all about timing. If you are good at that you will be good at Marauder.


2nd as a Sorc, I laugh when a Maruader comes to 1 on 1 me, but cry when I see a Jugg... takes too freaking long to burn down a Jugg


For survivability the Jugg wins hands down in pvp and pve

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1st off let me say neither one of you know what you are talking about...


Marauder is a finesse class, which means you have to know when to use what skill.. its all about timing. If you are good at that you will be good at Marauder.


2nd as a Sorc, I laugh when a Maruader comes to 1 on 1 me, but cry when I see a Jugg... takes too freaking long to burn down a Jugg


For survivability the Jugg wins hands down in pvp and pve


So based on your ample experience playing a Marauder OR a juggernaut, and I must accept that you think all juggs survival > Marauder.


Hey buddy truth is you have met sucky marauders and some tank juggs getting heals. That doesn't mean anything.


Sucky marauder < Competent Jugg. Sucky Marauder > Tank Jugg (if he doesn't guard)


In my PT BM I can 5 shot a BM tank Jugg with no D cooldowns. I need everything I got however to beat Juggs. OH and Disclaimer: I got both a BM Marauder and a BM Jugg. You sound that have neither.

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Well, I have both


I have a 50 ANL Marauder and a lvl 43 jug that I speced hybrid immortal/vengeance.


I played pvp with both and can tell you hands down that I can smoke a marauder 1 vs 1 80% of the time or better. That is just the way it has been and I have only lvled my jug on pvp with very limited pve playtime.


My Marauder ALWAYS felt squishy and my Jugg has just been eating whoever I want 1 vs 1. Admittedly I am not to 50 with my Jug yet so I can not talk about this from that angle but I can say I am by far more dominant with my tank... and nobody can kite me :-) As a Marauder that is the most annoying thing because we had really no way to stop it.


PVP my Jug just feels way more dominating... people run from me and that speaks for itself.


It helps to know what casts a marauder has by playing one and knowing how to break them down like a shotgun. Ground aoe and slow them down then beat the **** out of them/ kite/ beat them down more. Its so easy prior to 50 to dominate in pvp as a jug.

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1st off let me say neither one of you know what you are talking about...


Marauder is a finesse class, which means you have to know when to use what skill.. its all about timing. If you are good at that you will be good at Marauder.


2nd as a Sorc, I laugh when a Maruader comes to 1 on 1 me, but cry when I see a Jugg... takes too freaking long to burn down a Jugg


For survivability the Jugg wins hands down in pvp and pve


Er right, a sorc is telling me, someone who has played literally thousands of warzones as a jugg, that I don't know what I'm talking about.


In any case, you're kinda missing the point of the OP, he's asking whether he should pick a mara or a jugg. Now of cos a tank specced jugg will outlast a mara, he's a *********** tank. But you can't compare the two cos it's like apples and oranges. If you want to compare, compare a dps jugg to a mara. If you as a sorc are noticing a significant difference in bursting down juggs from maras, it's cos that particular jugg IS A TANK.


Sounds to me like you're just coming up against terrible maras. Juggs and maras have the same number of gap closers, in fact maras have one more, their speed boost. If I as a mara had a sorc shooting away at me I'd just friggin vanish and pop up beside him, if you knocked me back/stunned me/whatever I'd just charge you, then proceed to melt your face.


If you find kiting maras easier than kiting juggs, the maras on your server are just terrible. In practice neither a jugg or a mara should have any problem gutting a sorc. In fact maras have this cool ability to reduce healing done by 50%, so they're like sorc hunters.


OP trust me, if you want to tank go jugg, if you want to dps and have an option to tank go jugg, if you just want to dps roll mara.

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1st off let me say neither one of you know what you are talking about...


Marauder is a finesse class, which means you have to know when to use what skill.. its all about timing. If you are good at that you will be good at Marauder.


2nd as a Sorc, I laugh when a Maruader comes to 1 on 1 me, but cry when I see a Jugg... takes too freaking long to burn down a Jugg


For survivability the Jugg wins hands down in pvp and pve

You not the Garmon from Eve Online are you?
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