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Ravvok - Sith Lord's Gambit


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It was stormy on Dromund Kaas, like always. As Ravvok's shuttle landed, he stepped out in to the humid jungle air. With his hood pulled over his head, he looked around for some kind of greeting party. "Sir..." someone said from behind him. Ravvok spun around, and there was a Chiss agent there. "Lord Ravvok, my name is Corrahn. I'm your ride to Kaas City. Ravvok simply nodded, and followed Corrahn to a large hover-limo. The two stepped inside, and the taxi took off. "Welcome to Dromund Kaas, my lord. I'm glad that you are here to assist in our investigation. We-" he was cut off when Ravvok motioned his hand. Finally, the taxi landed, and Ravvok left Corrahn. Ravvok was here on Dromund Kaas for one reason: track down the Republic spy in Imperial Intelligence. Ravvok walked to the cantina, sat down, and waited for his contact.


A tall, hooded man walked over to Ravvok. He sat down, and ordered a drink. "Good day, Lord Ravvok" he said. "Likewise. Now, what's the intel on this?" Ravvok replied. The contact took a sip of his drink before responding. "Well, we know that it's a Human, and that he is arriving to Kaas City in hours later today. Otherwise, we don't know who anything."


Ravvok suddenly sensed something was wrong. Finally, he realized it too late. His contact was shot from behind Ravvok. The Zabrak spun around and drew his yellow-black lightsabers. After deflecting numerous bullets, the assailant ran. Ravvok chased after. Finally, he backed the runner to a corner. Just then, two more with vibroblades attacked Ravvok. The other one drew his own vibroblade and engaged.


Ravvok killed the two extras and disarmed the last one. He grabbed the assailant by the throat. "Who hired you?" he questioned. "You'll never-" the questioned had been cut off. Ravvok held up his Lightsaber and said, "How would you like to get run through?" Finally, the spy cracked. "His name was Tren Anfield. He is the spy, the leak! Just let me live!" Ravvok walked over to a ledge. "I'll just let you use your survival skills on this one" he said. Ravvok then dropped the assailant off the ledge and into the underworld level of Dromund Kaas.

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