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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm Curious... Most Balanced Classes?


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I have a Level 50 Deception Assassin, and I love my class. I was just wondering what other people thought about my class and other classes. I'm not familiar with every class, so bare with me and others that don't know how to play each class, thus not knowing the struggles of every class.


Each class has their role. Their strengths and weaknesses. Like Assassin's Dark Ward (Assassin tanks). For those that don't know, Dark Ward has 8 charges, which increase your shield chance by 15% while charges are up, and you lose a charge for each successful shield. So obviously, we don't have the mitigation that other tank classes have fighting 3+ mobs.


BUT that's the way it should be. Each class should excel in certain area and play differently to make them unique.


So do you think most classes are balanced/working as intended, and only need a little bit of tweaking? Or does a certain class seem like its overpowered/lacking (PvP, PvE)?


Tanking, healing, dps (no dps meter to actually tell), survivability, disables, utility...


No QQs and rants please.


Brief, to the point, and a reason behind it.

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imo regarding



juggs seems to need some aoe threat love, so they seem somewhat UP.



cant compare without parsers.



sorcerer is the single most powerful healer overall, tons of utility, aoe heal with ~10x more output, very good sustain, good mobility, excellet burst healing, easy to manage force. definetly OP (compared to the other 2 healers that is)


merc is imo the most balanced: good survivability+the best tank healing but not good aoe heal (imo balanced)


operative is the absolutely worst healer (at least for 16man): good sustain, if he burst heals he cant heal for ~10secs, worst aoe heal, some mobility, no healing cds, squishy.

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No QQ needed. If this game becomes anything like other MMO's, particularly the most popular one in terms of subsctription numbers each class spec will eventually have their heyday and balance nerfs.


I remember for the first 2 years of that other games release, Paladins, Feral Druids and Mages were subpar. Paladins in particular were garbage with their "Seal" system of doing things. It's quite a different story these days, which is why I don't concern myself with "Balance in a MMO" two months into release.


In summary, if you playing one of the buffed classes, enjoy it while it lasts :D

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Most Balanced Classes IMO:


Tank - Powertech, Assassin

DPS - Operative, Sniper, Assassin, Powertech

Healer - Operative




Needs a Buff to it's Class:


Tank - Juggernaut (Needs more knockback resist as a class trait and better AoE threat)

DPS - Juggernaut, Marauder (both could use better AoE tools)

Healer - Mercenary (needs either combat rez, interrupt, or better AoE heal)




Needs a Nerf to it's Class:


Tank - None

DPS - Mercenary, Sorcerer (Too much one button win viability with high damage skills)

Healer - Sorc (Needs a nerf to AoE heal and either Heal or Shield).




In addition, trash encounters need less CC and knockbacks (not every enemy needs a CC) and melee dps as a whole should be buffed a bit to make up for the melee unfriendly fights where they either do get CCed or have to constantly run out of fights or to new enemies.



This is just my opinion of course, and I imagine many will disagree with my sentiments.

Edited by Toogeloo
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Thanks for the feed back for those that replied.


I'm not sure if other people see these balances/imbalances. Of course, its going to take a few months or more till things balance out and classes are working as intended. I'm hoping the game is still alive till then. I got into this game to get a fresh start.


When I see the Marauder go invisible it makes me a sad panda. Force Camouflage is overkill (45s CD for the Marauder, while an Assassin's is 3min CD/2min CD with talents). Marauder's, in my opinion, have good survival and utility abilities. Like the easily broken glass cannons Assassins are, Marauders should pick their battles.


Look before you leap.


Am I missing something from the Marauder? Is Force Camouflage necessary, or it's just an extra perk?

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Mars use the cam as a tool to open gaps with all the knockbacks and range and to survive as we are rather squishy outside our defensive cds CoA and saberward and such. I don't personally think it is op as we have no real stuns, pull or knockback which all others do. FC stuns us as well. If it was longer then 4 secs maybe and it doesn't drop combat. We have a lot of tools and by no means am I implying we are up as some forum posts indicate. I think in PvP we are about right if we use all our tools.


I am not really sure why you might think there's an issue with the camo but if I didn't have that I would die a good deal more that is for sure.

Edited by Avicii
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In general, I'd say that powertechs (and vanguards, being their mirror) are probably one of the better balanced classes right now.


That isnt to say that they dont have their issues, of course - powertech/vanguard tank specs focus heavily on shield chance and absorbtion, which is nearly useless in a pvp environment. Advanced prototypes (not sure what the vanguard equivalent skill tree is) has some PvE dps issues, and Pyrotech has some heat issues. But other than that, they're pretty well rounded at the moment.


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Mars use the cam as a tool to open gaps with all the knockbacks and range and to survive as we are rather squishy outside our defensive cds CoA and saberward and such. I don't personally think it is op as we have no real stuns, pull or knockback which all others do. FC stuns us as well. If it was longer then 4 secs maybe and it doesn't drop combat. We have a lot of tools and by no means am I implying we are up as some forum posts indicate. I think in PvP we are about right if we use all our tools.


I am not really sure why you might think there's an issue with the camo but if I didn't have that I would die a good deal more that is for sure.


FC does not stun you..... (I looking on torhead, so I'm not sure if FC has been updated in a recent patch). It makes you nearly impossible to detect + 30% movement speed for 4 seconds.


You might die because you're cooldowns were, cooling down, BUT that's the same way with the Assassin. Force Camouflage can ONLY be broken by a DIRECT ATTACK. I would assume detection is within melee range for Marauders using FC, which puzzles me, why? Force Cloak can be broken (dot, aoe).


As an Assassin, I pick my battles. If a Marauder charges into a fight, he should look before he leaps. Pick your battles (Learn "how to play").


Marauder can essential be "deceptive" as an Assassin, but also benefit from Force Leap as a gap closer.


Assassin's gain no real "benefit" from stealth other than a tactical advantage, and increased force regeneration for 6 seconds, if spec'd into.


If the Assassin was given a "Force Leap" wouldn't that be overkill? Why shouldn't they get Force Leap?

Edited by Lightvent
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