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Can anyone list some dark side books for me to get?(just finished Bane series)


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Ok so I just finished the Bane series and absolutely loved it.


However I'm not so into the whole jedi thing, and love to play the bad guy.


Does anyone know if there will be any followups to the Bane series and/or other dark side character focused books?



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Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

The Lost Tribe of the Sith mini novels/e-books

Star Wars: Darth Maul

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

Star Wars: Choices of One

Darth Plagueis

The novelizations of The Force Unleashed games.

You might also want to check out the episodes of the Clone Wars in the Nightsister trilogy.


I made this list a few months ago, but it covers most books that are heavily embedded with dark side lore.

Edited by valin-krai
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While they don't focus on the dark side users, there's also a shadow academy series. The courtship of princess leia (however you spell her name) introduced the nightsisters who are also kinda cool, and one of the legacy books took luke back to dathomir which fleshed them out even more. So if you just wanna soak up various dark side traditions there are some options.


Also, there was a one off book called red harvest that took place at an ancient sith academy. Did anyone mention revan yet?


i find myself more interested in the non-jedi non-sith force users.

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