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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is the fastest way to level the jedi shadow?


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The fastest way is to play the game instead of being on the forums.




Also go Kenetic and use Theran. As stated previously. Also don't bother shopping on the AH... you should be able to gear out moddable orange gear off of quests and commendations.


DO BONUS QUESTS! Especially the Bonus series on a planet after you finish the main quest line there.


If a quest is green dont bother doing it unless it just happens to be on your way... green quests dont offer near as much exp as yellow quests.


Do all you space daily missions that still con to you. green, yellow, orange they all offer great exp.


And do your daily PvP mission as well.

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Queue for PvP constantly (greatly emphasized if you're in a group who can co-ordinate for wins) the only quests you should do beyond your starting planet are class quests and heroic quests (as far as heroic quests go, only do ones that are soloable and are not interrupted by joining a warzone). Do the space dailies as long as they are atleast yellow, of course do the PvP daily as well. Have Diplomacy as a trade skill (or Underworld Trading, but Diplomacy has other benefits) and send companions on missions for companion gifts. Companion quest availability is based on both your class quest progress and companion affection, having 2-3 companions maxed by the time you're 48 means you're pretty much 50 straight away. That is the fastest method that I know of and I've levelled several characters with powerleveling experience from previous games.


That's generic advice for any class, as for Shadow, do this as others have mentioned; Kinetic & Theran

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don't underestimate the green space missions. You get a ton of exp from kill the ships etc so that exp adds up to a lot. quick.


The problem with queuing constantly on a planet is planet load times. Not everyone's computer can handle the constant loads and you will end up losing leveling time. If you have a solid PvP group just hang out in your ship or at the station and queue... IF the queues are popping very fast.

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