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Insight question


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Does Insight (6% better chance to crit with force attacks) Count towards fire DoT effects from Cauterize and Overcharge Saber? (Watchman Sentinel)


To my knowledge, it does not. As far as I know, only abilities with "Force" in the name get the benefit. IE: Force Sweep. Force Stasis. Force Exhaustion. Force Leap.

Edited by McVade
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If you're Focus, yes, it's worth it and probably for Combat too. But if you're Watchman (I'm assuming you are based on your OS question), not really.


I would suggest investing in Dual-wield Mastery, Defensive Forms (great great skill for Centering build), Defensive Roll, Force Fade, Focused Leap, Master Focus and maybe even Valor (if you want even MORE Centering).

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